Page 440 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
My eyes widen, and I nearly drop the phone. If Will isn’t a driver...then who the hell was he?!
The sound of heavy construction equipment right outside my window wakes me up with a start, and I nearly fall out of my tiny bed, rudely interrupted from the dream I was having that left me with a hand unconsciously drifting between my slick thighs.
I really can’t get Will out of my mind, can I? I’m already pissed because I couldn’t get to sleep easily last night, worrying too much about who he might be and how fucking hot the massive cock between those cut thighs must be.
But the sound waking me up is that of a drill, or maybe a jackhammer, I can’t tell, but whatever it is, it puts me in an even worse mood. I throw some clothes on — just a white shirt, khaki shorts, and a pair of boots good for trudging around in the outdoors, and I throw my hair into a messy ponytail before heading outside.
My jaw drops at what I see. There are at least a dozen workers practically in the research grounds, right on top of the site I’m supposed to be surveying. They’re digging some kind of trench and laying down what looks like metalwork.
“Hey!” I shout, waving my arms as I run up to them, and some of them just give me a confused look. I think they’re genuinely surprised to see someone coming out of the old research station. “Hey, turn the machines off! What the hell are you doing?!” I shout, but the machines are off at the last word, leaving me screaming through relative silence, and my face goes red as a couple of the workers chuckle at me.
“Just doing our jobs, lady,” one of them says.
“You’re on top of a delicate ecosystem!” I protest, stamping a foot, but the workers just exchange glances.
“Look, we’re just making a living, kid,” one of them grunts. “You got a problem with it, take it to the boss,” he says, jabbing a thumb towards a tent a little ways up the road. I frown and start off that direction, suppressing a curse under my breath. I can’t get mad at them, they’re right — they’re just doing their jobs. Probably for some fucking corporate venture capitalist, no doubt.
As I approach the tent, I see signs around a pretty spiffy tent that read Delaney Enterprises, and that just confirms my suspicion, and I groan. That must be why I got this station so easily. Nobody wants to tangle with these industrial fatcats. I sure as hell don’t either, but I need a thesis to present, so I need some peace and quiet for the ecosystem, for fuck’s sake!
“Alright,” I announce myself as I pull back the tent flap unannounced, “I don’t care who you think you are or how many of us students you’ve brushed off, guy, but if you think you’re going to endanger the local ecosystem for some new condos, then you’ve got another thing-”
I stop as I see who turns to look at me, wearing that same damn cocky smile of his, his head nearly brushing the top of the tent. “...coming?” he finishes for me, folding his hands behind his back. “Yes, I was wondering when you’d be coming, Harper.”
My mouth hangs open, and I just stare at him as he steps forward, passing the table full of papers and schematics, towering over me as I feel all my confidence fly away in terror. No. Fucking. Way.
“I told you we’d be seeing each other soon,” he says, and before I can react, he reaches up and takes my chin in a thumb and forefinger, smiling down at me as he turns me about like some kind of piece of meat. “But I’m curious, now that you’ve had some time to rest and somehow look lovelier than before, what do I have coming, precisely?”
There’s a confidence in his voice that makes me feel so insulted, so brushed off, but I still feel my cheeks reddening at the sight of him again, and how easily he commands the situation. Is this still the kind, flirty man I met at the airport, or was that a facade?
“I…” I start, and at the first sign of my hesitation, he grins, knowing he’s already won. “I can’t believe you!” I blurt out, and that seems to mildly surprise him. “You just picked me up from the airport — you lied to me! And you put on all that charm knowing full well that I was going to wake up to... to all this in the morning?”
“It was too much fun to pass up,” he admits, and I notice he’s wearing a dark red shirt this morning, his pants hugging his legs even more snugly than yesterday, and I can see downright chiseled muscles through them. The island climate has done this guy well. “But you were too distracted with me to care much even if I’d told you I was a serial killer out to make you my next victim,” he says, his eyes holding me transfixed, and damn it, I know he’s right.
I suddenly pull away from him, realizing I hadn’t yet, and he raises his eyebrows as if to say “case in point.” Fuck, any chance of being taken seriously by this guy is out the window, isn’t it? “I was tired,” I protest, but I give my head a shake. “Nevermind that — this is a delicate ecosystem, don’t you know that? You’re endangering, well, all kinds of stuff by being here! You have to stop this work immediately!”
“Don’t think for a moment I don’t admire your tenacity,” he says, stepping forward as I step back, and he wraps a hand around my waist. I can’t believe this guy — who does he think he is? It’s even more infuriating that my body doesn’t let me slip away from him — my subconscious has been dreaming about this all night. Shit. Is this even really happening? “But I’m not going to put all my plans on hold because some sex-hungry student asks me to.”
Before I can protest, he leans down and presses those full lips into mine, and I feel an ache of need between my thighs, a traitorous moan escaping my lips into the kiss. He pulls me closer to him by the hips, and as I melt into it and explore his tongue as it reaches out to mine, I can smell his faint cologne, feel the light stubble brush against my lips as he kisses me hungrily.
His persona might have been a lie, but god, his desire is not. I feel his shaft growing against my hips, and color floods my cheeks as I realize that even my fantasies of how big he is were an underestimate.
My breath catches in my throat as his mouth trails down my neck, sucking at the sensitive flesh while his hands slide up my shirt. My eyes pop open as my senses triumphantly muscle their way to the front of my mind for a moment, and I push him away. Well, I push at him, but he realizes what I’m doing and takes a step back, smiling down at me.
“What are you doing?!” I say, realizing how flustered I look, a tendril of hair now hanging over my eye.
“Is this not what you want?” he asks, and the tone in the voice tells me he’s daring me. “You got a taste of who I am yesterday, so if you’d really wanted to get out of this, you would have turned around and given me a look at that pretty little ass of yours as you walked out the moment you saw me in here. Or am I wrong?”
“I...I mean, I…” I’m stammering, and he takes a step forward again when I don’t retreat. What do I do? He’s right, damn it. Nearly every part of my body wants him to just strip the clothes off me and fuck me senseless right here and now, but I know that’s insane. That’s irresponsible. That’s... wrong!
“I see how you look at me, Harper,” he says. God, I can’t get enough of my name on his tongue, and there’s so much more I want on that tongue, and fast. “But I need to hear you say it.” He leans in so close I can smell his cologne again, a subtle, masculine scent. “Tell me, ‘Will, fuck me. Fuck me here, now.’ I won’t touch you again if you don’t say that.”
I look up at him, my brown eyes shining in the sunlight streaming through the canvas of the tent. For a moment, I stick out my lip and narrow my eyes, my fists clenching. Who the hell does this guy think he is, using my own body against me like this? I want to slap him, and I raise my hand to do just that, but he grabs my wrist, pulling him close to me.
“You said you wouldn’t touch me unless I said it,” I whisper as I guide his huge, rough hand down to my pants and down the front of them until they touch the wetness there.
“Think that would get you a free shot?” he says, and I immediately feel fear of what I’ve unleashed as I see the spark of interest in his eyes, but the next moment, he hooks his fingers into my cunt, and I let out a gasp.