Page 439 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
“Bath,” I say, happy to be talking about something I know how to handle myself in, unlike flirting, “but yeah, I’m American,” I add hastily as he flashes me a smile. “I’m an environmental scientist. There are some plant species on this island that are entirely unique to the ecosystem, and—well, I don’t want to bore you with the details,” I trail off nervously, but he just laughs at my discomfort.
“Believe me,” he says, “you can’t bore me. This is probably the most interesting thing in a few years to happen to this little island, and I dare say that you are too,” he adds, and I’m astonished by how brazen this driver is being. And yet I can’t quite tell myself that I’m not enjoying myself. Being a full-time grad student has me overworked and underappreciated, and as much as I’m pretty sure this guy is either a dream or about to murder me, I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts. Once I’m holed up in my research station, I probably won’t ever see the guy again. That thought hits me, and I feel a little sadness as we take a turn down a path that I realize is probably our stop.
“Well, here we are, Miss Harper Emerson the biologist,” he says, making my name sound so heavenly on his accented tongue. He stops a few dozen yards from what I realize is the station, and my heart sinks. It’s basically a trailer with a cabin next to it, but some of the equipment visible through the windows tells me this is the place. “Your... luxury suites, I see,” he adds, noticing my disappointment at the site of the place. “Just remind yourself that this island has plenty more to see than the inside of that dingy trailer,” he says, and I smile at him, savoring that husky voice as much as I can before he drives out of my life.
“Th-thanks, Will,” I say, cursing myself for stammering. Am I really so horny as to be flustered by a simple goodbye? Yes, yes I am.
I step out of the car with him, and he helps me unload the trunk and get my luggage. “I can take it from here,” I say, and I regret it the next minute — damn it, why didn’t I ask him to help me to the trailer? He looks a little surprised by my haste too, even as I’m blushing, but he smiles nonetheless.
“I can see you’re in a hurry to get some rest, so don’t let me get in the way of that,” he says, perfect teeth sparkling as he walks around to the car and gives me a wave. “Do take care, Harper. I think we’ll be seeing each other again sooner than you think.”
“Wait,” I say, confused, “what?” But he’s already getting into the car, the engine roaring to life again as he pulls off down the road, leaving me on my one. Alone, nothing but the gentle rustling of the tropical trees all around me to keep me company.
Frowning, I trudge off to the trailer, hardly taking notice of the exotic, breathtaking wildlife all around me. There are plants nearby I’ve only ever seen in obscure textbook photos, and a dozen more I genuinely don’t recognize. This place is going to be a gold mine of research.
Now, if I can just get rid of that damn persistent need I feel between my legs so I can clear my head…
I walk up to the trailer door and see a note taped to the front: Key Under Mat. That’s it. Not even something to confirm that I’m supposed to be here or what this place is. And no guarantee there aren’t squatters inside. Awesome.
I retrieve the key and open the place, and the stillness within tells me I have nothing to fear from squatters. Or visitors, by the looks of things.
I am definitely going to lose my mind out here, I realize, my heart sinking. As I unpack my things and get comfy in my home for the next year, I can’t get the thought out of my mind — what the hell did Will mean by seeing me again soon? What even does he do out here? Drive people around? This island can’t have a population of over a thousand, so it wouldn’t surprise me, but you do not afford a car like his on that salary. Can you?
Once I’m settled in, I see to the next priority: a shower. The bathroom in the trailer is, uh, cozy, but it’ll do. And as I’m stripping off my clothes and feeling the warm island air on my naked body and start running the water, I don’t care in the slightest.
To my surprise, there’s a tub in there, though it takes up most of the bathroom. I step into it with one of my long legs, and the hot water makes me grateful for at least that feature in my cramped quarters.
Once I’m inside, I pull the hair tie out of my mane and let the hair fall over my shoulders with a deep sigh. Hot water caresses my tired shoulders, running down to my breasts and swollen nipples, still on edge from all the excitement of the day. The water runs down between them to the smooth skin of my stomach, then down between my thighs, mingling with the wetness the drive with Will had built up on its way down my ample hips and generous ass. I cover my face with my hands as I feel the burn of embarrassment hot inside me.
I’ve just gotten here. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I know myself well enough to know when I’m crushing on someone, and I know that the feelings sparking inside me for that mysterious, towering guy aren’t just because he happened to walk into my life when I was pent up and horny as hell.
Not that he’ll be interested anymore when he finds out I’m a virgin.
My brown hair gets wet and drapes over my shoulder as I lie down in the tub, letting the hot shower water patter on me gently as I just kind of let myself trance out. Putting school first my whole life has left little room for a love life. Yeah, I’ve been on dates, usually with colleagues, but I’ve never made it past making out and copping a feel, and a hand job here and there. And I’ve never considered myself gorgeous, personally, even if the constant hounding from other students and even my professors has told me otherwise.
But Will? He just dove right in — I know flirting when I see it, and he was going after me hard. Is this just how things are on the island? There must not be many other women around, that must be it. But I wonder if that’s enough to keep me away from him. Those thick forearms I could see were fantastic, and I just know the rest of his body must match it — I could guess that much from the way his shirt hugged his torso. God, what I wouldn’t give to fall into those muscles.
As I’m trancing out, I realize my hand has drifted between my legs, and I withdraw it a moment. I just got here, am I really about to do something like this on the university’s dime in a brand-new location?
As much as I fight them, my instincts make my answer for me, and I feel my fingers slowly sliding back to the top of my puffy labia, and I shiver hard as soon as two fingers brush against the swollen nub of my clit.
Wow, just how wound-up are you, Harper?
The tips of my fingers swirl around my clit as warmth from within me swells up, mixing deliciously with the steam and heat of the shower as I press my legs against the cool sides of the tub, my bare feet pressing against the far end as I get comfortable. My free hand goes up to my nipple, and my lips part, a quick, hot breath escaping me as I feel electricity run through my body at the touch.
The second I start touching myself, the girlish fantasies of Will are in my head, and I know it
’s useless to resist them. They’re as persistent as his aggressive flirting, and I’m in no place to resist my inner will as I keep stroking myself, feeling tension already building up inside me. I bite my lip as I picture him coming into my trailer with me, those smouldering eyes of his looking down at me as he stoops to enter the little trailer, looking like a giant next to me before he rips my blouse off and seizes my hips…
“Aahh — ahhhh!” I gasp as my first orgasm rockets through me like a lightning strike, over a day of travel’s worth of stress melting away from me and running down the drain with my honey as I feel the first real, blissful smile in weeks tug at my lips. I realize I haven’t even taken my makeup off, and that just makes me feel all the more irresponsible for using my first free moment to touch myself. But I keep going, and I feel my stomach tense and relax over and over again with more ease than I’ve ever known. What the hell is it around here that’s making me so fucking horny?
But I know the answer, and he drove me here.
My legs are nearly shaking from the excitement by the time I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself, but I’m ashamed to realize I could go for a lot more if I wanted. But I need to get settled and ready for work tomorrow. I’m surprised to see my phone blinking, and I pad over to it and see a voicemail on it.
Furrowing my brow, I hold it to my ear and listen to the unfamiliar voice.
“Ah, hello, Miss Emerson? This is your driver for the airport, do I have the right number? I’m here waiting for you, but a security guard says you left with someone you seemed to know. Give me a call back. Thanks.”