Page 31 of Claim Me Hard (Bridgewater County 2)
The words were a cool, sweet balm. Almost too good to be true. After living in a nightmare for so long, it was hard to believe Brad was finally out of my life. I didn’t have to hide anymore. With one arm about my waist, Cole led me out of the apartment, past my neighbors and friends who’d had my back, and helped me into his truck.
This felt right. Being with him, with Declan. And now I didn’t have to hide any longer. I didn’t have to be afraid. I had two men protecting me. Possessing me. Pleasing me—at least I hoped they would very soon.
I turned to him with the best smile I could manage. “Take me home.”
Hannah was quiet for most of the drive back to my ranch, but I grabbed her hand, held it on my thigh. I would damn well rather drive one handed then let her go.
I stayed quiet, giving her some space to wrap her head around what had just happened. Truth be told, I needed some time myself. It wasn’t every day I watched the love of my life face danger and I was still shaken.
Brad. He was a big guy. Thick with muscle and full of anger. Full of anger toward Hannah.
If we hadn’t gotten there when we had…
If anything had happened to her…
But it was pointless to go down that road. All those ifs. The biggest one was if he hadn’t fucked with her, she wouldn’t have come to Bridgewater.
The only consolation was that while he’d hurt her in the past, he wouldn’t ever again and we’d be around to make damn sure we kept that promise. I gave her hand a squeeze as I drove us home.
“I’m sorry,” I said.
She’d been staring out her side window, but at my soft words, she turned to look at me.
“Sorry? You saved me.”
“We weren’t there.”
She sighed, squeezed my fingers. “You’re not always going to be there. I’m not a child that needs a babysitter.”
She was right. We couldn’t be with her all the time. We weren’t like that. Smothering. Controlling. She had to live her life, and I hoped at the end of the day, she’d come home to us.
Dec arrived at the ranch a few minutes after we did. He came into the kitchen where Hannah was sipping her tea and I was watching over her like a fucking mother hen. I’d let her out of my sight. Eventually. Who could blame me?
He sank into a chair as he filled us in on how he’d handed Brad over to his fellow officers to book and process. He scratched his head, his red hair sticking up every which way and looked down at the table. “I couldn’t trust myself to deal with that asshole any longer than necessary. If they’d left me alone in a room with that bastard…” He trailed off with a shake of his head. Reaching a hand across the table, he caught Hannah’s in his. “Besides, I wanted to get back here and make sure you were doing okay.”
She gave him a wobbly smile. “I’m doing great.”
I knew that was an exaggeration, but let it go.
“Thank you.” She turned to me. “Thank you both. If you hadn’t come when you did—”
I shook my head, remembered how it felt when I saw the guy pinning her to the steps. It was only the start of his plans for her. He’d come all the way from California, no fucking way would he just intimidate. No, he’d planned to hurt her. “No point in going there, darlin’.”
Yeah, I didn’t want to punch a hole in my wall.
She nodded her agreement, swallowed. “So what happens to him now?”
Dec turned on the cop voice I knew so well as he explained what procedures would come next. At the end, he said, “While he’s military, what he’s done is out of their jurisdiction. It’ll be complicated with them getting involved, but long story short, you’ll never have to worry about that guy ever again.”
He looked up at me and I could easily read his mind. If the law didn’t put him away, we’d take care of him. I had no doubt others in town would help, probably even bring the shovels.
Her gorgeous green eyes were filled with amusement. “That’s great to hear. But what I meant was, what happens now…with us?”
Dec and I shared a quick look, this time of surprise, before turning back to her. “What would you like to happen next?” he asked. He sounded a little wary, and I couldn’t blame him. She’d just been through hell and back. Much as we wanted to take things to the next level, it was very likely she’d ask for some space. Some time. We’d give her whatever she needed, but it would be hell while we waited.