Page 30 of Claim Me Hard (Bridgewater County 2)
I waited too long. He reached the step below me and grabbed my arms. The feel of his rough hands, the familiar smell of his cloying aftershave—it was enough to jar me out of my fearful daze.
I screamed and jerked away. Brad was blocking my path down to the diner where there were other people so my only option was up. I had no choice but to go to my apartment. I turned and tried to run but one of his hands caught my ankle and I fell across the stairs, my hands and knees slamming into the hardwood. I scrambled to get back up. My free leg kicked out, made contact with his shoulder.
“You stupid bitch,” he growled, stepping higher so he was hovering over me. I could feel him press into my back, trapping me. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
He grabbed a chunk of hair and pulled my head up so his mouth was next to my ear. I cried out again but the sound was weaker this time since my lungs and stomach were pressed against the stairs. The wind kicked up again, hair getting into my face. I couldn’t brush it away, my arms trapped beneath me.
“I own you.” His breath was hot on my face.
This was what I’d been afraid of. His obsession. Declan and Cole were nothing like this. How they behaved, often like cavemen, was not the same. I saw it now, heard the tone. Felt it. They wanted me, perhaps just as much as Brad did. But they wanted me not as an object or a thing, but as an equal. We were a trio, a threesome, that made each other stronger. Yes, they were bossy as all get out. But I liked it. Heck, I needed them to be that way. It got me out of my head. They took my worries away and replaced it with silence, with peace. With pleasure.
“You’re mine and you always will be,” he growled.
“No!” I shouted, trying to get him off of me, but it was no use.
“She was never yours and never will be.” Declan’s voice came from the bottom of the stairs and the sound of it made me sob with relief. A second later, Brad was hoisted off me.
I heard sounds of a struggle but it wasn’t until I scrambled to my feet and turn
ed around that I saw Declan and Cole beating the shit out of Brad.
It was…god, a beautiful sight. They were here!
Brad was still on his feet swinging but he didn’t stand a chance against my two men. Just the looks on their faces should have been enough to scare Brad off, but he was too much of an asshole to think someone might beat him. They shoved him toward the diner, then through the door. I hurried after them, stumbling once on the steps on the way down.
I let out a choked laugh when I followed them inside. Brad lay sprawled on the floor, blood oozing from his nose and bruises already starting to form on his face. He was still conscious but had the good sense not to fight back.
He was surrounded. Cole and Declan hovered over him, breathing heavily but otherwise they looked unhurt. They weren’t done with him. I knew if Brad stood up, they’d fight him some more. Beside them, Jessie held a frying pan raised over her shoulder ready to swing, as if it were softball season. As if that wasn’t enough, three of the diner regulars, including Dr. Murphy, had guns drawn and aimed at Brad’s head. Montana really was the Wild West. While I was used to seeing gun shots in the ER and wasn’t pro-gun, for once in my life I was happy to see all the weapons.
This bastard would be beaten, crushed, and shot if he so much as moved a muscle.
“Hannah, are you hurt?” Dr. Murphy asked, but his gun didn’t waver from Brad.
“No, I’m all right,” I said, my voice shaky.
Declan was talking into his radio, but I wasn’t listening. I was staring at the cowering, broken Brad.
Cole left the posse to come over and take me into his arms. I hadn’t realized I was shaking until he held me close. “You’re really not hurt?”
I shook my head. “I’m okay. Or, I will be.”
He kissed the top of my head, gave me a gentle squeeze. “You’ll never see him again.” It felt so damn good to be in his arms, to know I was safe. To know he’d keep me safe. And he had.
Things happened quickly after that. Declan came over and gave me a hug and a kiss before going into full-blown cop mode. After reading Brad his rights, he hauled him out to a police SUV that pulled up out front with flashing blue and red lights. He assured me before they left that I’d never have to see Brad’s face again and I believed him. I wasn’t sure what the justice system was going to do, but I knew there was plenty of open land to bury a body if he wasn’t sent to jail to Declan’s satisfaction.
The guns were put away and Jessie placed the frying pan down on the high counter. Everyone settled back to their meals, but news of this incident would be spread across town faster than a wildfire. I was giving the town plenty to gossip about. Jessie got me a mug of tea while Cole tended to my minor scrapes and bruises. He grinned and looked at me with those pale eyes as he said, “I get to play doctor now, although I can think of better ways I’d like to do that.”
Yes, I was sure he could think of much better ways.
“We’re not letting you out of our sight, darlin’,” he said.
I liked the sound of that. After everything that happened with Brad, it would be a while before I was comfortable being alone, even knowing Brad was in jail. “Good.”
With my one word reply, he took me upstairs and helped me gather some clothes and toiletries so I could take them back to his place. He didn’t leave my side the entire time.
While I knew Brad couldn’t get me, my hands still shook as I zipped up my overnight bag.
Cole took the bag from me. “Hey.” Tilting my chin up he forced me to meet his gaze. “It’s over.”