Page 42 of Fighter in Lingerie (Lingerie 14)
“Hey, sweetheart.” Father came into the kitchen wearing a suit and tie. He hardly wore anything besides jeans and t-shirts with the occasional black leather jacket. His eyes lit up when he looked at me, just like always. “Whatcha got there?”
“I made breakfast. Hope you’re hungry.” I set his plate on the counter so he could eat on the barstool.
“Wow. You’re my guest, so I feel like I should make you something.” He poured a mug of coffee and grabbed some silverware so he could eat.
“No, I don’t mind.” I made myself a plate and stood at the counter across from him. “You look good in a suit. Almost didn’t recognize you.”
He chuckled. “Your mother said the same thing. But it’s only for the day. Tomorrow, I’ll be back in my jeans. You look nice too. That should keep you warm during the ceremony.”
“Yeah. I also have a pretty thick coat.” I sipped my coffee and ate my breakfast, trying not to think about the man who was sitting at his dining table and thinking about me at that moment. My father would be disappointed if I chose to get involved with someone like Bosco. He said he wanted me to settle down with a nice guy…not a criminal mastermind.
“Good. I’m excited for your brother.” He always inhaled his food because he ate a million miles a minute. He pushed his plate aside then fished out a small box from his pocket. “I got this for your brother.” He opened the box and revealed a black watch. It was completely blacked out, sleek and polished. It reminded me of one of his fancy cars.
“Wow, that’s nice.”
“I had it engraved.” He flipped it over to reveal the inscription in the metal.
* * *
To the Man I’m Most Proud of.
* * *
“Aww, that’s so sweet.” I picked it up and examined it, touched that my father would be so thoughtful. He was usually erratic and rushed, rarely taking the time to slow down to have heart-to-heart conversations. “He’ll love it.”
“I think so too. I tried to think of something special, something he doesn’t already have. So I thought he could always look at this when he’s down or when he needs to remember who he is…especially if I’m not around anymore.”
“Father, don’t talk like that.” Listening to Bosco mourn his mother made me terrified of losing my own parents. I wouldn’t know what to do without them. I loved them so much.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Didn’t mean to upset you.” He put the watch back in the box and placed it in his pocket. He rose from the seat and reached inside his other pocket. “I know this is Carter’s day, but when I saw this, I had to get it.” He pulled out a small black box and opened the lid so I could see what was inside.
It was a diamond necklace, and the pendant was a rose. It was covered in diamonds, shining under the lights from the ceiling. Judging by the way it sparkled, I knew this was the real deal, something my father spent a lot of money on. The only real diamonds I ever wore were the ones Bosco gave to me. This necklace flashed just the way those did. “Father…”
“I thought of you the second I saw it. I had to get it.” He pulled the necklace out of the box, unclasped the chain, and then placed it around my neck. He closed the clasp then turned me around so he could take a look. “What do you think?”
I touched the pendant with my fingertips. “I love it…it’s beautiful. Thank you.” I moved into his chest and hugged him.
He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. “I won’t be the man who gets to buy you diamonds much longer. So I guess this is for me more than it is for you.” He pulled away, affection in his eyes and a slight smile on his lips.
“That’s not true. You can buy me diamonds whenever you want…not that I need them.” I knew watching my brother get married was difficult for both of my parents, especially when I would follow soon afterward. It was only a matter of time. “And there will never be a man in my life who can replace you.” I was lucky I grew up with two loving parents. There was never a time in my life when I had to worry if my parents really cared about me. Not everyone was so lucky—but I won the lottery.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. That’s how life is. You’ll find a man who takes care of you, who respects and honors you, and I’ll be happy to give you away. But for now, you’re still my little girl—and I will treasure this time as long as I can.”
Even though it was in the middle of winter, it was a beautiful wedding. With white lilies on the grass and a great view of the Tuscan hillside, it was a special moment. It was cold, but it hadn’t rained in weeks, so the soil was dry. It was just the family sitting in the chairs, and we waited together as Carter stood at the front. Luca was beside him, wearing a black suit.