Page 41 of Fighter in Lingerie (Lingerie 14)
She sighed before she spoke. “It’s just crazy how quickly time passes. I remember the day Carter was born just like it was yesterday. He’s grown into a remarkable young man, and I couldn’t be prouder. It’s just hard to let him go…”
I gave my mom a sad look. “You aren’t letting him go, Mama. He’s right down the street. They’ll have more children, and you’ll have grandchildren running around everywhere. It’s exactly what you wanted.”
“I know…I’m very lucky. I’m glad he found a strong woman like Mia. She’s wonderful.”
“Then we should celebrate.” I clinked my glass against hers, trying to cheer her up. I knew this was hard for both my parents. They were happy, but also sad that Carter and I were getting older. In a few years, I would be married with a husband and kids too. Neither one of us would need them for anything. It was a change in roles, and soon we would be the ones taking care of them.
She gave me a smile. “Yes. We should.” She grabbed a few pieces of cheese and some grapes. “So, what’s new with you? How’s the shop?”
“It’s going well. It’s been busy despite the winter season. Unfortunately, I’ve had a lot of funerals.”
“It’s the flu. It’s terrible this year.” She shook her head slightly. “I’m relieved your father works with grapes more than people.”
“How’s he like working with Griffin?”
“He’s become fond of him,” Mom said. “It took him a while to warm up to him, but he finally has. Says he’s a good worker and he’s good to Vanessa. Some beautiful young woman was setting up a distribution relationship with the winery, and she made a pass at Griffin. Apparently, Griffin lost his shit and said some pretty harsh things to her…so they lost the client.”
“Really?” I asked. “Father and Uncle Crow were there and let it happen?”
“No. Your uncle called her company to follow up, and he heard the story through her.”
“Man…Vanessa must have been pissed.” She’d never mentioned the story to me.
“I don’t think she knows,” Mom said. “Your uncle never told Griffin he heard the story. Decided to let it go. He cares more about his son-in-law treating his daughter right than losing a client.”
“Griffin adores Vanessa.”
“He does,” she said with a nod. “He’s very loyal—which is why your father likes him.”
Bosco was loyal too. He had a pair of beautiful tits in his face the other day, but he didn’t take the bait. He threw her out just the way Griffin told that woman off. I was starting to see more similarities between the two men.
“Speaking of men… Are you seeing anyone?” My mom asked me the direct question because we talked about this stuff all the time. She’d always been open about it, talking to me like an adult. She had much more progressive views than my father and believed a woman could have the same kind of lifestyle as a man. My father knew Carter slept around for the last decade but never thought twice about it. He had very different expectations for me, so we never spoke about it.
“Not really.” I felt bad lying to her, not telling her that I was in an extremely intense relationship with a man who was claiming my heart as well as my body. I used to be scared of him because of his power and his criminal lifestyle, but now I felt unsafe anytime I wasn’t with him. My hands shook whenever I touched him, and his kisses always drove me wild. I’d never been with a man who could make me feel so good. I was starting to care less and less what he did for a living, starting to ignore the warning Griffin gave me. It seemed irrelevant when the man I knew was so loyal, honest, and kind. “I went on a few dates, but nothing stuck.”
“Keep looking. The right man is out there…searching for you.”
It was getting harder to believe that there was any man out there that I even wanted. I couldn’t picture myself wanting someone more than Bosco. He was the manliest man I’d ever been with. “Yeah. I’m sure he is.”
She finished her wine and left the empty glass in the sink. “I have to be up in two hours…hopefully I can get some sleep. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”
“I know…” I probably wouldn’t sleep at all.
She came behind me and squeezed both of my arms as she kissed me on the cheek. “Love you, honey.”
“Love you too.”
I got ready the next morning, wearing a long-sleeved dress with leggings underneath. The wedding was informal, a small celebration with just family and a few friends. There were no bridesmaids, just Carter and Mia and the priest who would marry them.
I went downstairs and made breakfast—French toast, bacon, and eggs. My mom had already left for Carter’s place to help set up, and my father was upstairs getting ready. I made enough for both of us, even though he probably wouldn’t eat anything.