Page 29 of Gym Junkie
“Leave. Before I fucking kill you.”
Chapter 6
Holy fucking shit, no.
“Brock!” I cry. “What are you doing here?”
“Move, fucker!” He growls at Rourke as he tears him from his seat and throws him to the side. Rourke falls onto the floor before he quickly scrambles to his feet.
My eyes widen in horror. “Brock, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I don’t.”
Rourke goes to say something and stand up for himself, but Brock turns towards him like the devil, daring him to try. Rourke frowns, and then shrivels in fear. His eyes flick between the Brock and I. “I’ll wait outside for you, Tully.”
I glare at him. Wimp.
Brock falls into the seat opposite me and sits back in the chair. He lifts his chin and glares at me. My heart begins to race, and perspiration heats my armpits. He’s radiating thermonuclear energy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so angry.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I fold my arms in front of me. “Don’t you dare treat my friend like that.”
He leans forward and puts his elbows onto the table. “Shouldn’t the question be: what the fuck are you doing?” he growls in a whisper.
“I’m having lunch, what does it look like?”
Brock clenches his jaw. “Who’s that fucking guy?”
“None of your business,” I snap.
He slams his hand onto the table and I jump. “Do not fucking infuriate me, Tully.” He growls again. “And why the fuck aren’t you taking my calls?”
I narrow my eyes at him. Of all the nerve. He’s obviously never been rejected before and he’s seriously shocked. Well, I’m not playing his game.
“Because, I’m not interested.”
His eyes blaze with anger. “Now tell me the real reason.”
“What?” I whisper angrily. People are starting to look over at us now. I lower my voice. “You are so fucking conceited. I didn’t enjoy it, okay?”
He glares at me. “Bullshit.”
I shrug, as if unimpressed. I just need to rip the Band-Aid off and be mean to get rid of him once and for all.
“It was incredible. I was there, Tully. I know how it felt.”
My eyes hold his. It really was. I force myself to shake my head.
“You’re delusional. It wasn’t that great, Brock.”
“Cut the bullshit and tell me the truth.”
Of all the nerve, this guy is seriously out of line here. “Fine. It was okay. Very average, I guess.”
He leans into the table. “Are you trying to piss me off? Because it’s fucking working,” he growls.
“Brock,” I whisper. “I don’t like you. I don’t want to see you again. Stop calling me.”
“Bullshit. Tell me the fucking truth and I’ll leave you alone.”
My eyes fill with tears because I don’t want to say it out loud.
The truth hurts.
“Tully.” His voice falls softer as he sees my tears. “What is it?”
“You make me feel dirty,” I whisper.
His face falls.
“I don’t sleep around.”
He clenches his jaw angrily, his eyes holding mine. I can hardly see him through my now-blurred vision. “You’re only the second person I’ve ever slept with and you fucked me up the ass in a public bathroom,” I whisper angrily. “And I hate myself for it.”
He takes my hand tenderly in his. “Tully,” he whispers softly. I stare down at our entwined hands and I just want to sob. I hate that I like his touch. I hate that he makes this all seem normal and okay.
“Don’t, okay,” I cry as pull out of his grip. I stand so quickly that my chair falls back onto the floor. “Leave me alone, Brock. I don’t like the way you make me feel.” I leave the restaurant and rush through the front doors but, of course, he comes after me.
“Tully, wait, we need to talk.”
I turn towards him, furious that he has, once again, made me weak at the knees. “No.” I push him hard in the chest. “You said if I told you the truth you would leave me alone.”
He tries to wrap his arms around me. I push him away. “Don’t fucking touch me!” I cry, completely losing control.
His eyes hold mine, and I know he’s trying to work out how to handle this situation. He’s completely out of his depth here.
I crease my eyes together to try control the tears. “I hate you for making me feel like this.”
His face falls. “Stop it,” he whispers.
“Go back to your whores, Brock.” I angrily swipe my tears away. “Leave me the fuck alone.” I turn and storm towards my work building.
“Tully!” he calls out to me. “Tully, you get back here!”
I put my head down and power walk away from him.
I feel relieved I said it, but I have a sinking feeling about never seeing him again.
To be honest, I’m just glad it’s over and I don’t have to think about it anymore.
I blow out a breath and angrily swipe the tears away as I power back to my office. I walk into the building, take the elevator to my office, and find Rourke sitting at his desk.