Page 28 of Gym Junkie
“Brock!” Ben calls. I turn back to him.
“You fuck bad girls how you want because they only want your cock.”
I stare at him for a moment. “And what do good girls want?”
His eyes hold mine. “Your respect.”
“Got a minute?” Miller ask as he knocks on the door of my office. It’s later in the day, and my conversation with Ben has been at the front and centre of my thoughts all day.
“Yeah, what’s up?” I look up from my computer. “Take a seat.”
“I just got the records in,” he says as he falls into his chair.
“Ah, okay. Hang a sec.” I pick up my phone and dial the extension. Ben picks up. “Ben, do you want to come in here for a second? Miller has something.”
“Sure thing.”
Moments later, Ben walks in and takes a seat. “What did you find?”
“Okay,” Jes says as he opens a manila folder with the records inside. “So, I did a trace, and according to bank records, Mr. Chancellor withdrew money from an ATM on George Street on the days he made the calls to that number.”
“Same ATM machine?” I ask.
“Yep, every time, which indicates he went somewhere close to this autoteller.”
“Did you run the checks?” Ben asks.
“Yes. We hacked the hotels within a five-mile radius to see if we could get any idea on where he was going?”
“Any luck?”
“Not under his name, but on each day that he made a phone call and withdrew cash, a hotel room was booked at the Star Casino in the name of Webber.”
“Every time?” Ben frowns.
“Bingo.” I smirk. “Dumb fuck used the same name.” I shake my head. “Honestly, some people are so thick. We need to get security footage from inside the hotel and find out who he was meeting.”
“Do you want to go down there now?” Jes asks.
I turn back to my computer. “Yeah, give me ten to finish this report.”
Jes stands. “Okay, meet you downstairs.”
It’s Thursday and I’m sitting in the car as I wait for Ben and Jesten to come out. I call Tully’s phone number for the fiftieth time this week.
My anger is at an all-time high.
How dare she not answer my calls? Who the fuck does she think she is?
The phone drops out without the call going through, and I narrow my eyes.
I dial again, and it does the same thing. She’s blocked my number.
She wouldn’t.
The boys come out and get into the car. I put my hand out to Ben who is now sitting in the passenger seat. “Give me your phone.”
He opens it and hands it over. I type Tully’s number into his phone and listen and it rings first go.
“Hello,” she answers.
My fury explodes. “Are you fucking serious?” I growl.
The phone clicks as she hangs up, and I punch the steering wheel with force.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Jes cries from the backseat. “What the fuck, man?”
I rip the car into gear and take off out of the parking lot. I’m so angry right now, I can’t even see straight.
Ben’s clearly trying hard to stop himself from smiling as he stares through the windscreen, but I glare at him anyway.
“Who was that?” Jes asks from the backseat.
“Boss man got dumped.” Ben smiles sarcastically.
“Fuck off,” I snap as I take the corner with speed. “I do not get fucking dumped.”
Ben chuckles. “Oh, really?”
My furious eyes turn to him in the passenger seat again. “Don’t fucking bait me today, Statham. I’m in the mood to kick some serious ass.”
Ben and Jes chuckle, thinking this is a great joke.
We drive downtown towards the police station. The traffic is everywhere. “Fucking move!” I yell out the window.
“Jesus. Calm down,” Ben mutters under his breath.
Some idiot is pulled over to the side and is letting someone out. I put my hand on the horn. “These fucking idiots have no idea how to drive!” I yell out the window.
“Take a fucking chill pill,” Jes urges from the backseat.
I glance over to the sidewalk. There’s a restaurant there with tables and chairs out in the sun with parasols shading them. It’s packed with people.
I put my hand back on the horn. “Hurry the fuck up!” I yell out the window.
I glance back over to the restaurant and catch sight of something, and then I narrow my eyes. You have got to be kidding me?
Tully is sitting at a table with a man, eating lunch.
My anger explodes, and I yank the handbrake on. “Circle the block.” I get out of the car.
“What the fuck?” Ben snaps. “What are you doing?”
I leave the car in the middle of the road and I storm towards the restaurant. I barge through the door and up to Tully’s table.
Her eyes widen when she sees me. “B-brock?” she stammers.
I look down to the man she’s with. I’ve never been so angry. I grab him by the scruff of his neck.