Page 60 of Corsairs: Kaspar (Corsair Brothers 2)
I'm glad that the old ship looks just as deserted as it did before. While Alice gasps at it from below, I walk around the tree, pretending to get my bearings. In reality, I'm looking for more footprints, just in case. There's nothing, though, and the mud is thick here, so I'm happy. It's as safe as anything in this place. I glance over at Alice, pleased. "So what do you think?"
"I think it's really freaking high up," she admits, and laughs with delight. "Holy crap. I can't believe it's a whole ship. I know you told me, and yet here we are."
I grin. "It's just a small one, but more than big enough to house the two of us comfortably, I think. It'd be a good shelter from the rain and mud."
"And bugs," she adds, slapping at her bare shoulder and frowning. "I swear I'm being bitten but I don't see anything."
I'm pretty sure she's being bitten, too. Her skin is soft and tasty, and if I find it that way, I imagine the wildlife here will keffing love to take a few bites out of her. "All the more reason to get a shelter. Shall we climb up?"
That makes her pause. She stares at me for a moment, then up the tree. "How are we supposed to climb this thing?" She flings one hand up. "All the branches are way up there, and we are way, way down here."
I consider, then shrug. "The bark's kinda gnarly. I'm sure we can use it for handholds." I move up to the tree and pat the thing. "It's a bit of a sheer climb but I think I can handle it. And you can hold onto me if you want."
Her eyes widen. "Um…I do not want. Kaspar, that sounds incredibly dangerous." She wrings her hands. "I'm not so sure about this."
"There's no stairs, Sunshine. We're going to have to climb up at some point."
Worry makes her brows draw together. "I hate that you're right. I just…" She bites her lip. "Ugh."
"I know. But once we get up there, we can establish some sort of ladder." I consider it and then glance over at her. The fear on her face is striking. "Do you not like heights?"
"I don't know anyone that does!" But she bites on her lip again, her teeth showing. It makes her face screw up, and I know she's not doing it to be sexy. She's doing it because she's genuinely afraid. "What about Sterre? She can't get up there with us, even with a ladder." Alice begins to pace, frantic. "We didn't think this through. We need a new alternative. I thought this might be a good idea at first but now I'm not so sure."
"Sunshine," I say, and when she doesn't stop her worried pacing, I move to her side and put my hands on her shoulders, bending over so we're eye-level. "Sunshine, calm down. Take deep breaths."
She takes one deep one, her gaze locked to me, and then exhales slowly.
"Breathe," I coach again, and rub her skin comfortingly. "It's going to be all right." I keep my voice low pitched and comfortable, as soothing as I can. "Sterre knows how to take care of herself. This is her home. If she can't come up, she'll wait below, love. It's fine. All right?"
She takes another deep, shuddering breath, and then nods.
"I know you're afraid, but if it's stable, we can stay there. The equipment probably won't be working, but it'll have things we can use. If we're going to be here for a while, we'll need that stuff."
Alice takes another deep breath, nodding. "Bathrooms."
"Right. It'll have a lavatory of some kind, and that's preferable to sticking your nethers out for the bugs to eat, right?" I keep rubbing her arm. "Once you get up there, it'll be great."
She takes another gaspy breath that makes my own lungs hurt. "It's just really high up."
"I know."
"I've been on a ship all this time. For years. What if I can't climb? What if I've lost the upper body strength to hold onto you?" Her eyes get frantic all over again. "What if—"
"Breathe," I command again.
She sucks in a whistling breath, her eyes wide.
"New plan. I'll climb up. You stay here with Sterre. I'll check things out first, and then when it's safe, we'll make a ladder of some kind so you can climb up on your own. Okay? We'll use vines or some of the belting from up above." I gesture at the ship. "But you'll have to climb at some point, Sunshine."
Alice nods eagerly. "Later. Later sounds good." To my surprise, she rushes forward and flings her arms around me, squeezing me in a tight hug. "I'm sorry I'm being such a baby."
"You're allowed." I stroke her tangled hair. "But I want you to stay close to Sterre, all right? I'll only go up long enough to check things out and then I'll come right back down."