Page 59 of Corsairs: Kaspar (Corsair Brothers 2)
"Excellent." Kaspar starts to bolt away, then pauses. "Drink the rest of this water first. You need to stay hydrated."
"Yes, sir," I tease, and take a few more sips, then offer it to him, sharing. Between us, we finish the water, and then Kaspar grabs our pack and we backtrack his trail, Sterre on my heels. The carinoux hasn't wandered far from my side since we started walking, and I'm not sure if she views me as helpless and thus in need of constant supervision, or if she's just clingy. Either way, I hope she doesn't get hungry enough to take a bite out of Kaspar. When he walks ahead of me by a few steps, I jog to catch up and rub my hand on his back, adding more scent to him.
Just in case.
"Thanks for waiting for me, by the way," I say as I touch him, feeling affectionate and not just a little possessive. "I know you probably wanted to charge on ahead. I'm glad you didn't."
"I almost did," he admits, putting a hand on my shoulder and tugging me closer to him. "But I wanted to get back to you first."
My heart melts. In a way, I hate that we were adults and talked about where we think this is going. I hate that he would die on a farm planet, even though I understand it. Selfishly, I want to keep him. When he says sweet things like that, or when his tail curls around my waist—like it does right now—it makes me feel loved and protected and safe. It makes me want all kinds of things I can't have.
Sometimes I get really tired of wanting things and having the universe yank them away from me.
I need to focus on the here and the now. I'm here with Kaspar right now. We might be here for a few days, or we might be here for a few months. Or if this ship really is abandoned, we might be here a really, really long time. There's no sense in moping about a future that I can't control—being stuck on the Buoyant Star taught me that. I just need to enjoy each day as it comes.
So I reach over and rub my fingers against the base of Kaspar's tail, feeling frisky.
He sucks in a breath and jolts, nearly stumbling as he turns to look at me.
"I meant to do that," I tell him, and wink. "Just letting you know that you're probably getting lucky later."
Kaspar grins widely at me. "If that's not incentive to find shelter, I don't know what is."
I don't point out that even if we don't find shelter, he's probably still getting lucky. It's probably a given at this point. I mean, if he thinks I'm sexy covered in bug bites and with stringy hair, with mud covering my feet, then it's pretty safe to say that he won't care if my legs aren't shaved or if I'm a little sweaty.
That's rather nice.
The hand on my shoulder starts rubbing my skin as we walk, and when I glance over at his dick, he's half hard. Seems like I'm not the only one thinking about sex. I should probably be thinking more about the crashed ship, but it's hard to muster up anxious panic when Kaspar isn't concerned. He doesn't seem worried about this ship at all. He's excited for the potential.
I'm going to try and be more like him when it comes to things, I decide. Less stress and more fun.
We approach the quiet, narrow stream we crossed earlier. It's not more than a few feet wide but surprisingly deep, the banks lined with rocks and overhanging ferns. Like before, Kaspar holds a hand out to me so I can brace myself against him when we cross, and then we're on the other side.
Sterre leaps over it as if it's nothing, and then darts ahead, her nose to the ground. A moment later, she flushes a bird-like creature out of a bush and catches it in mid-air, the thing letting out an undignified squawk as it dies. The carinoux gives it a fierce shake, then settles down to eat her food.
"Should we ask her to save us a bite?" Kaspar teases.
"Let's just hope she can find more." Sterre might love me, but that doesn't mean I'm putting my hand near her mouth while she's eating. "Where's this ship?"
"Didn't see it?" He grins down at me, boyish. "It's hidden unless you're looking for it, which makes it perfect for our needs." And he points up at the trees.
"As long as it's abandoned," I remind him, and then follow his direction. I see it a moment later, the gray hull huddled amidst the branches and thick leaves of one of the tall trees.
It…looks like a flying saucer of old. Huh.