Page 172 of Twist (Off Balance 4)
My head whipped to the side and I flew, my body slamming to the floor with a crash so hard my head smacked it. Kova bent down immediately and tried to help me, but Dad threw him off me.
"Don't you dare touch my daughter!" he roared.
Holding my cheek, I opened my eyes just as Kova got up, but that was all Dad needed. In a fit of rage, he flew at Kova with his fist raised in the air. Kova ducked and swiftly moved to the side, but surprisingly he didn't retaliate. I glanced down, seeing that his hands were balled into fists and his knuckles were straining against his skin.
"Touch her again and I'll rip your head from your neck!"
"I'll tell the cops you hit me," I said hoarsely, trying to stop the fight. I blinked, trying to clear my blurry vision. I don't think I could ever do that to him, but I needed a diversion. My stomach was aching, and it was a struggle to stand. "Your hand print will still be across my face. Not to mention, I can't move my arm. You attacked me. I'll deny anything you say about us because there's nothing to admit."
"Who knew what a manipulating young lady you'd turn out to be. Did you forget you're a minor and have zero authority here? You're coming home with me, and Konstantin is leaving in handcuffs."
I shook my head. I tried to get up and whimpered from the throb in my arm. Tears streamed down my cheeks and my eye felt swollen already.
A meaty fist landed on Kova's jaw and his head flew to the side, blood spurting from the corner of his mouth. He picked himself up quickly and took a step toward my father, but he quickly stopped when he realized what he was going to do.
His skin was flushed, damp with perspiration. I could feel the fury in his blood simmering beneath the thin layer. I'd never seen Kova so restrained before. The veins twirling down his arms were protruding, and every time he made a fist they swelled larger. His jaw was locked as he stared at my dad.
"You won't hit me because you know I'm right. You're a fucking pervert," Dad accused, walking toward him. My heart slowed down as I watched. "But that won't stop me," he said, and hit him again.
Kova took another round to the face and my heart broke for him. He put his arms up, blocking a few swings, then he gave my dad one strong shove. Dad stumbled back, and Kova placed the back of his hand to his mouth and wiped the blood away, leaving a smear across his jaw.
I couldn't take Kova being hit again. I knew he was restraining himself for me—and maybe because they were friends—and he knew deep down he was wrong, but I couldn't handle it anymore. It was slowly killing me.
Pushing off the floor, I ran forward and shoved myself between them. Kova saw what I was aiming for and flung me to the side as my dad landed another blow to Kova. I hit the floor so hard my vision shifted to double.
"Stop," I screamed and got back up.
Kova saw, his frantic eyes wide as I pulled myself up. "Stop, Adrianna!" he ordered, but I couldn’t.
Dad was in a blind rage and I had to break them up before something worse happened.
"Dad, please stop," I said and grabbed onto his bicep.
He reared back without looking and shoved me with such force that I tripped over my feet. My breath rushed from me as I slammed into the wooden coffee table and my head hit the corner of the couch. Everything went black for a split second as stars danced in my vision, and I crumbled to the floor.
I was suddenly too weak. My body was giving out.
I tried to push up, but I was struggling to find even an ounce of energy. I heard Kova yell something, then, a crunching sound.
I had to get back up.
I was so disoriented, I couldn't tell whose blood was on my dad's fist, and I was sure my arm was fractured. I sucked in a strangled breath and tried to pick myself up, cradl
ing my midsection. A sharp pain lacerated my stomach. I drew in a gasp, feeling like I was going to vomit. Something warm glazed down my thighs, but I was too off balance and fell to the floor again.
"Please! Stop hurting each other," I cried out, and managed to stand on wobbly legs. I was afraid to walk.
I looked up. Dad’s back was to me as he threw punches at Kova, who was still blocking them. I took a few steps to reach him, hoping he'd stop when he saw me.
I don't know who pushed me, but my attempt to break them up was foiled. In a blink, I was flying across the room again, this time over the couch and onto the wooden coffee table.
My head whipped back and slammed into the wood with a crack. I slid across the table, taking the décor with me. Glass shattered under my body as I crumbled to the floor in a dead heap. My head began pounding, and I felt warm, sticky liquid all around me.
This time I couldn’t move.
This time, I wouldn't be getting back up.
Coldness seeped into me and a metallic taste filled my mouth. I wondered if I’d bitten my lip when I fell.