Page 171 of Twist (Off Balance 4)
"Dad, it's not what you think. It's really not." I tried to think of a lie he'd believe. "I wasn't feeling well. I got sick, and he was helping me."
A sardonic huff escaped him. "Joy was right. This whole time she was right about you and your coach, and I denied it. She showed me a photo of you guys I rejected it, saying she’d Photoshopped it for her own motive. I figured I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and show up for you to explain, but then I find this…" He eyed Kova with repugnance, then looked back to me. "I defended you. I thought you were smarter than this. I thought you were better." He scoffed under his breath. "What a fucking fool I was."
My face fell. I blinked and Dad was standing in front of me. I jumped backward, but he grabbed me in a rough hold and yanked. Pain shot through my shoulder and I yelped.
"Ow, you're hurting me!" I cried out and tried to pull away.
Dad's eyes bulged from his head. "This is what you wear around your coach! Do as I say and get your things now, Adrianna, or I will fucking lose it." He paused. "Now."
Kova stepped in. "You do not need to hurt her because of me. Let her go."
Dad's head whipped toward Kova. His gaze was deadly. "Do not tell me what to do with my daughter, you sick fuck. I asked you to watch over her and protect her. And this is how you do it? Get the fuck out of my face, you disgusting piece of shit." He paused, his face getting redder by the second, his grip thickening. "I trusted you! I'm calling the cops—I want you thrown in jail!"
"No! Dad, no!" I yanked away again, but it was a mistake because he only jerked me harder. A breath gushed from me. Something twisted in my arm and it made me weak in the knees. The pain made me lose my breath and I almost fell to the floor.
Kova calmly held his hands up in surrender. My eyes widened at the tests in his white-knuckled fist. Air lodged in my throat. He'd forgotten he was holding them. If there was a God, I would sell my soul for Dad not to see what he was holding. It would only escalate things and make them worse.
"Frank, please do not do this to her. I will leave."
Dad turned toward Kova with fire spewing from his eyes. "Is this what I've been paying for? For you to fuck my daughter?" Then he turned toward me. "Joy was right. I had no idea you were such a slut."
He pulled his phone out with his other hand and swiped it open. I needed to keep his attention on me and away from Kova now.
Kova took a step closer.
"Take another step toward me, Konstantin, and I won't hesitate."
My stomach was a knotted mess. I didn't want Dad to try and hit Kova because as much as I loved my dad, Kova was much bigger and stronger and I worried one punch would knock him out.
"Dad! Stop! Nothing is happening here. Why won't you believe me?" I bawled, but he pulled my arm so hard and high that it forced me to stand on my toes. He twisted it behind my head and a cry burst from my throat. I'd been luckily enough to have never broken a bone, but judging by the agony that took my breath away, I'd say it was fractured or dislocated.
"I'm done with your lies, Adrianna," Dad said.
Kova looked at me. I didn't see the tests in his hand anymore, he must've pocketed them. He was white as a ghost but riled and bursting with the impulse to protect me. I'd never once seen him as I did now, torn from trying to do the right thing and trying to not make it worse. He was holding back from stepping in with reason— he was wrong, we both were wrong—but he also couldn't take seeing me in such pain either.
"My arm, please, let go," I said breathlessly, tears streaming down my face again. "It hurts."
Swallowing, Kova raised his voice. "Do not call the cops. I will walk away from everything. I will sell my gym, I will go back to Russia if I must. You will never see me again, but this is not her fault. Do not ruin her career because of me. Just let her go and I will leave."
Dad’s fingers dug into my skin, and my own fingers were numb from his tight hold on me.
Dad ignored Kova as he erratically pressed buttons on his phone. I watched, trying to see who he was calling. My heart was going to jump out of my chest. I was shocked that he'd call the police because it would affect the Rossi name as well as Kova's reputation.
I took one quick glance at Kova, then I turned toward the front of my dad and shoved at his chest with my free hand, pushing as hard as I could. My strength was weak, but I couldn't let this happen. I had to stop him.
Only, I didn't push hard enough.
Dad's eyes flared, a blackness overtaking them. I didn't recognize him. My stomach clenched with fear. He reacted, twisting my arm so hard that I felt another pop. Kova's eyes widened and he rushed to grab me. A scream erupted from my throat and my dad finally let go. The pain took my breath away and I clutched my arm to my chest, closing my eyes in agony as I fell into Kova.
"Adrianna," Kova said. The tone in his voice alarmed me.
I opened my eyes and saw that my dad was about to press the phone icon. Standing up, I lunged with my good hand and reached out, slapping his phone away. It tumbled to the floor and the screen cracked.
Relief coursed through me, but not for long.
The back of his hand flew toward my face.