Page 9 of Strangers in the Night: My Broken Heart, Prey, Predator
The night breeze was soothing against her flushed skin; turning over in the warmth of her silk-sheeted bed, she sighed as her nipples pressed into the fullness of the plump pillow. She was caught between sleep and wake as the thought of sleeping with the French doors open left her uneasy, but with the blackout that had hit the state in the late evening hours, her little vacation hideaway had become a sauna.
There were no other houses around for at least half a mile, the nearest one being unoccupied as yet for the summer. She’d walked around some when she first arrived the day before and was pleasantly surprised to find she had the small little inlet to herself for at least another few days.
She needed the peace and serenity for her writing, but with the blackout came unwarranted fears. Fears she wouldn’t have had had she been back in the city. Oh well, she was here now and it was about a three hour drive back.
As her body gave in to the sweet lure of slumber she heard the call of the whippoorwill in the trees outside, just as a smattering of raindrops hit the tin roof of the rustic cabin she’d rented for the rest of the summer.
Spreading her legs as she laid on her stomach, she finally gave in to the call of sweet surcease. There was no one here after all; she was safe enough.
He’d seen her on her walk that first day, yesterday was it? Seems longer somehow. Having believed he was alone here, he’d been surprised when she’d almost walked up on him.
At first he’d meant to call out to her, alert her to his presence but something had stopped him. Some unforeseen, as yet unknown force had compelled him to keep his silence and instead hide his presence from the breathtakingly beautiful woman in the sunflower summer dress.
His cock had come to attention as her scent had reached him on the breeze from the bay, a silent call that only he could hear. It had been some time since he’d felt that rush; that pull on the senses.
It was a heady feeling and he felt the excitement beat away in his chest as his thoughts ran wild. What would she taste like? Would her pussy carry that same scent of raspberries that was even now assaulting his senses?
It had been some time since he’d approached a member of the opposite sex; well except for the ones he hired to fulfill his needs. Not many understood his wants in matters of the flesh. His last conquest had lasted a mere two months, which had soured him on the whole relationship thing.
He found it much easier to procure his bedmates through the services of the highly priced organization he was a member of. There he could enjoy the lust that drove him without inhibition or limitation.
Chapter Two
Good, she’d left the French doors open for him, one last worry. It didn’t bother his conscience that what he was about to do was considered a crime, he didn’t see himself as a criminal. Besides what he had planned would more than make up for it in the end.
He just wasn’t in the habit of denying himself anything he wanted and the moment her scent had called to him she’d been his. He knew what that meant, had been losing all hope that this day would ever come. Who was to know that it would come on a hot night in the Louisiana Bayou?
He watched her now as she slept sprawled in the middle of the large bed the only light that of the moon, which sent a swath of color across her naked back.
His cock was already hard and hurting as he released it from the running shorts he’d thrown on. He’d laid out on his hammock listening to the gators as they splashed in the water and the occasional panther as it cried into the night. Biding his time, waiting for the sun to go down.
All day he’d been in an almost frenzy, wanting to go to her, to claim what was finally his. The only thing that had kept him calm was the knowledge that she could not escape. He’d blocked off the little dirt track, which was the only way in and out of this part of the Bayou. The long log was too much for one little girl to move on her own.
He was surprised and amazed that she’d chosen to stay here on her own; she didn’t look the type. At barely five three, she was a tiny little thing, compared to his six-two frame. But that’s the way he liked it. Though he now gravitated towards statuesque women for obvious reasons, his preference had always been women like her.
He had to move fast now there was no time to waste. If the legend was right, then this one would be as aware of him as he was her. She would scent him in much the same way he had her. He knew it by heart and knew that unlike his instant recognition, it would take her some time before she knew and accepted her mate.
His cock grew even longer at the implications of that. It meant for the first few times he might have to take her by force. The sheet she’d covered herself with was no barrier for his quick fingers as he slowly lowered it, making sure to keep his touch light as the breeze of the wind.
He slid it down until he could see the deep vee between her thighs from behind. The way she laid, with one knee bent and the other straight gave him the perfect advantage. He wasted no time climbing onto the bed and lying himself flat against the mattress, his mouth going straight to her exposed pussy. How nice was it of her to have his meal all laid out and at the ready for him.
If she’d been wearing clothes he’d have had a fight on his hands to be sure.
He knew the second she awakened, it was when his tongue went deep inside her pussy, searching for the barrier that needed to be there lest her throttle her before they even got started. It was one of the reasons he’d almost given up on the legend; who could find a virgin in this day and age? He had no idea of her age, he knew she was old enough and that was enough for him.
When she tried to rear up and escape the evading tongue in her pussy, that’s when he went into action and did what he was supposed to in the first place. It’s just that he had been so distracted by the sight of her pink gash.
He retrieved the sashes he’d brought with him after he’d thought long and hard about how to handle this side of things. The first went around her eyes in the dark. It wasn’t time for her to see his face. he wasn’t too worried about her screams, only the gators were around to hear them now.
Next he bound her hands behind her back, though he longed for the feel of her nails digging into his flesh as he fucked her hard and deep, but that would have to come later. He left her feet alone; he was going to need all the room he could get to fit in there.
He uttered not a word nor sound as he went about his task, methodically rendering her helpless, while being as careful as he could not to harm her. One did not harm what was essentially one’s heart.
When she was well and truly trussed, he debated between going back to his meal of pussy juice or inhaling her magnificent scent into his lungs; the scent that would be next to him, for the rest of his life. He chose the scent for now; his fingers would have to take over for his tongue.
He buried his nose in her neck and inhaled deeply making his cock grow in length and w
idth. His excitement was such that he plunged his fingers too far too soon and she screamed out in pain. He could feel the terror in her and it bothered him, but he knew this was the only way.