Page 10 of Strangers in the Night: My Broken Heart, Prey, Predator
“Shh, little darling, do not be afraid, I’m only here to love you.” He lifted his wrist to her nose so she could get his scent, and let her transformation begin. It wasn’t long before he felt the slight easing, but he knew it would be a while, maybe even days before she gave in completely.
He dragged his nose and tongue down her back until he was once again at the place where he begun. He was sure to be gentle with his large hands as he lifted her hips to bring her to his hungry mouth. His dick was bent against the mattress it’s length too much to stand up in this position.
He measured her depth with hit three-inch tongue before easing two large fingers inside of her. There it was; his heart slowed a little, it was true then, his search was over. He would’ve relaxed and enjoyed the moment but he had work to do.
He hated to give up her taste on his tongue, but there would be plenty of time for that later, best he get the other over and done with. He left her pussy and knelt between her thighs. Taking her ass in his hands, he shifted her so that she was now completely turned on her stomach, with her ass in the air; held there by his strong hands.
He let his extremely stiff cock find its own way into her tiny hole, and the thought ran through his mind that it wouldn’t be small for much longer. He regretted that there might be some tearing this first time and reassured himself that the salve he had brought for just that reason would do the job of healing.
Chapter Three
What is that thing? Is that? It can’t be? She felt herself being lifted from the bed with the sheer length of whatever it was that he was forcing inside of her. At first she couldn’t believe that it was what she thought, a man’s cock wasn’t supposed to be that long or that thick was it? But she felt the pulse in it as it tried to fit inside her and she knew; it was monstrous, was he…
She tried to fight her body’s natural instinct but it was no use. It seemed the fear made it even harder to resist, which made no sense. Her body was producing more liquid heat than usual and at a much faster rate, and it seemed to have something to do with his scent. From the moment he’d passed his wrist beneath her nose her pussy had start to quiver and seek what…
“Ahhhh…she couldn’t hold back the cry of distress as he almost split her in two. The pleasure pain of feeling all of that sliding into her made her eyes cross and her limbs tremble, no way was her knees going to be able to hold her up. Good thing his hands were there.
He made some kind of sawing motion into her pussy, making her juices make a squishing sound with each thrust, as they made way for him. And then she felt the tearing of her innocence and screamed bloody murder. His roar was almost as loud as her screams.
“Shh, it will be over soon I promise.” She could feel his cock beating inside her, like a little heartbeat all its own. She blew air in and out of her lungs as she tried to make sense of what was going on. Was it another one of her dreams? It didn’t feel like it, this one felt real. She could feel the burn from his penetration this time where before it was never like this.
Always before the dream would end before he breached her, just when he was about to in fact. She would awaken frustrated and needy, in heat really. But this, this had gone beyond anything she’d seen in the night.
It was the dreams that had sent her here, sort of. She wasn’t sure if she’d been running from or to them when she decided to make the trip, all she knew was that there was something waiting for her in her dreams in the Louisiana Bayou. His cock moving again brought her back to the present.
He pulled her back after what felt like four inches was buried deep inside her pussy and kept going. There was no way…
He fed her his cock inch by inch, taking his time even though he wanted to plunge into her depths over and over. As claiming went this one was tame but he wasn’t about to hurt her for the world. Already she was crying out for the pain and he wasn’t even halfway yet. He knew he had to feed her his whole cock this first time though it was the only way.
With her face and shoulders pressed into the bed and her ass high, she was in the perfect position for what he had to do. “I’m sorry I hurt you.” He said the words right before he plunged the rest of his fourteen inches into her belly.
The scream that rent the air was both musical and accusing to his ears. Her blood ran down his cock as his heart went into overdrive; finally. He didn’t move for what felt like forever, choosing instead to give her time to adjust.
To give her pleasure, as much as he was enjoying with her tight cunt wrapped around his cock, he reached for her clit and a tit. There was no more need for his hands on her ass holding her in place; she was well and truly pinned by his massive cock.
His manipulation of her clit and nipple soon had her body leaking again and he relaxed. Although he knew she might not enjoy this first time as much as he, he wanted to lessen her pain.
He was pleased to feel her move back against him as if seeking his cock with her little pussy, so he gave her what she sought. His fingers never stopped moving on her clit, or teasing her tit into hardness. Her moans were filled with pleasure and a tinge of pain, which he must admit was music to his ears, but they weren’t done yet.
Closing his eyes, he felt around inside her with his dick for what he sought. She was grunting with his fucks in and out of her by now, the sounds animalistic as her ass moved wildly, sometimes seeking escape, sometimes searching for more cock. There, right there, beyond the rubbery surface of her cervix, past the slight opening to her womb. How was he going to fit? It seemed next to impossible, but the legend said…
“Argh…” his loud roar tore through the night when he found it, that place deep inside her that only he could fill. She was the only woman on the face of the earth made specifically to take him and after thirty-two years he finally believed.
“Yes-yes-yes, fuck I found you.” He wanted to laugh and shout but he had a breeding to commence. There was no turning back now, “you belong to me.” He wasn’t interested in her acceptance or denial. Legend had it that some of the women fought their possession until they were brought to heel.
He wasn’t interested in playing cat and mouse with his pussy. He’d been on a steady diet of pussy three times a day since he learned how to fuck as a young boy. Then he’d started growing and the number of women willing to let him anywhere near their cunts had started dwindling after they saw the size of his cock.
There were times he thought he would go mad from want of a nice tight cunt, but there was nothing for it; until he found the club a few years ago. Still, there was no real companionship there, just a fuck with a different partner three times a day. It usually left him cold. But this, this was what he’d been waiting for.
He guessed he could’ve gone into porn as some kind of novelty, but somehow he did not see the distinguished members of his family going for that, they balked at his racecar driving, that would probably have sent them over the edge.
When her body was starting to accept his more easily, or as easily as it were possible for her to do, he really started to fuck. With his head thrown back and her hips now once again held firmly in his hands, he slid in and out of her, using most of his meat to soften her pussy walls.
She wasn’t exactly pushing back to meet his thrusts but she was more relaxed and her screams were less pain filled. “I’m going to love breaking in this pussy in the next few days.” His words sent shock waves through her body. What did he mean? Was he planning on coming back?
She tried not to move, not to encourage him, but he was being so careful and his cock was beginning to feel so good inside her, that she couldn’t help herself. There were tears of frustration and joy on her face as he slid his cock to her like he’d known her his whole life.