Page 5 of Strangers in the Night: My Broken Heart, Prey, Predator
It mewls and tears at the bedding as I fuck with care for the first time in forever, it's head whipping around from side to side. It enjoys, the purple and yellow marks on its back and shoulders make my heart beat louder. I want, I want...what do you want Dylan? To possess!
Chapter 5
She's growing; I can see it now, that's me in there, only me. She's allowed more freedom now, though madness and anger disagrees. And when they come to visit, things change, but for now she can sit next to me on the couch.
She's reading a lot lately to pass the time, when we're not doing other things. The buzz over her disappearance has died down somewhat, though there will always be someone searching.
As these things are wont to do the interest has faded, it's no longer the main focus. Soon there will be something else that brings the focus back, but not now, must wait until the time it just right.
And just like that anger is here; darkness descends once more. It drops the book, it knows, it's too slow, that's why it has such freedoms it's movements have become hindered by it's new girth.
I grab it by its neck as it pleads with tearful eyes. No pity Dylan, no mercy, it doesn't deserve it from you, it lies with it's eyes, don't look.
I take it down to the floor like an animal. I'm wet once more. There's a kick against my hand, the hand that I use to bring it closer to me.
It makes me crave more, push deeper and deeper still. It screams, in agony or pleasure? I do not know I cannot tell, pleasure I think The darkness is complete I cannot see beyond the pain in my heart.
Give it pain with the pleasure but do not hurt the other, there is a way. Yes the blood, I taste it again, it's been a long time since I bit and tore. It screams and I am wet once more, I pour forth my essence, spent, done.
I push it away from me; it crumbles in a heap on the cold hard floor. I hate it, I love it, I want to rage, I pull my foot back…
No Dylan what the fuck are you doing, have you lost your fucking mind? Who are you, where's anger, and madness?
Seems to me you had enough of those two assholes; there's a new sheriff in town. Let's clean this shit up before you get all our asses in trouble, the fuck?
By the way I'm Jason, at least I have a real fucking name, those two dead beats serve a purpose, but you can't hang with those crazy fucks too long know what I mean?
Pick her the fuck up and make her stop that crying, that shit can't be good for little man. I do as he says; it feels right, feels…better. That's right bro, clean her up, get some water for her to drink.
You get the fuck back, it's my time now, crazy fuck, no he doesn't need to be doing all that now, how's the plan suppose to work if you two fuck shit up? Anger and Madness my ass, more like crazy fuck one and two.
That's right I'm running shit for a while, you two will be back in the driver's seat soon enough. Now get the fuck outta here. "Dylan?"
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"Thank you."
Jason has been hanging around more of late, that's good; she seems more at ease these days. I don't like the other, when I see fear in her eyes. Fear of me? That can't be, there's nothing to fear from me.
I must go out today, out there, where I almost lost my heart. I don’t want to, but we need things. It's almost time but, I don't want to leave.
You can take those two fucks with you Dylan, not to worry. I'm sure they know exactly what to do. You go in and come out, nothing to it.
I walk into the room where she is once again chained to the bed. There is enough length to get to the bathroom and back. There's food on the side table.
Not for her the food, it's for the other, must keep the other fed. It's the plan. I walk over to feel it move around, I smile, it's the only time I smile anymore.
That's me in there, soon I will see, I know what to do, I just have to go get some things together. She looks so ripe, so fuckable as she reclines against the pillow with her plump tits on display and the round hardness of her tummy beckoning me.
My marks are starting to fade again, can’t have that. From not on she must always wear the sign of ownership. Her eyes are bright with lust, she wants me, but I do not wish to harm…
Take her Dylan, you don't have to be easy, take as much as you want, feel your heart beat. Yes, my heart, I need my heart beat. I barely make out its nakedness through the descending darkness. I feel the wet though, the wet I understand.
The wet grabs me and holds tight. The movement against my hand, the kicking of the other, spurs me on. In, out, in, out, faster, faster.
My heart beats, "yes, yes, yes..." That feeling, I want that feeling again and again and again, I will have it, but first. My balls draw up tight as I fuck harder and harder. Its chains rattle as it thrashes around beneath me.
Does it hurt?”