Page 4 of Strangers in the Night: My Broken Heart, Prey, Predator
Her breathing is out of order. I can feel sweat beading on her back that’s pressed so intimately against my front. She's coating my cock already; it feels so good to be back in her again, to be home.
Stop Dylan she doesn't need to enjoy this for the plan to work. Take away all pleasure; share only the pain. But...
No, no, you're falling for it again; she's nothing, just a receptacle.
Receptacle; just a vessel yes I remember, the plan. Remember what she did, who she is, remember what you still have to do.
I'm gone again, no longer me, darkness has fallen, my heart beats but instead of slow and steady, it's a wild staccato.
The chains rattle, the sounds coming from behind the gag are no longer those of pleasure.
There's fear and pain, gagging, choking. There's the taste of blood on my tongue. There, on her neck, you bit and tore.
Do not care, you must not care, it is nothing. I felt heated seed leave my body and shoot into hers.
Yes you're finished, your pleasure is complete, leave, there. It's cries do not register. I pull out of her and feel the wetness from both of us on my cock as the air hit it.’ I do not even take the time to move her after unbinding the chains that held us together.
She’s no longer even there, already forgotten as I follow the voice from the room. I feel something beating at the edges of my mind, some light trying to shine through, but the darkness is soon there, taking over. My last memory is of me falling onto the couch in the other room, falling into complete and total darkness.
Chapter 4
I awaken with a start, my memory a haze; and then her scent reaches me and it all comes flooding back. My stomach grumbles in hunger as I shake my head, removing the remnants of sleep.
Yes it's time to eat, maybe a big fat juicy steak. You haven't had one of those in a while. Pity we have to feed it, but that's part of the plan.
Why don't you make it cook the meal? Use the chain, lock it in place in the wall, there's enough length to move around easily. Good idea. She doesn't smile when she sees me coming. I think she's beginning to understand.
I drag the chain over to where she's lying sprawled over the lib
erator. I shackle her ankles once more and attach the chain, before I make her shuffle walk to the kitchen.
"Cook." She obeys, I watch as anger and madness fight for dominance.
The plan is coming along nicely, she's ripe; I ran the test. I think she's beginning to suspect what's going on, doesn't matter though. The search is still on but no one's looking at me. I'm the wounded who has begged off for a year from the spotlight, who slinked off to go lick his wounds.
The latest word is that it's a deranged fan, good. Someone actually pointed the finger and they're looking into it. I hope no one else gets blamed. But really, do I care?
Sometimes, like now, when the fog is clear a little, my mind plays tricks on me. Why is she just lying there, her hair seems so lifeless, not at all like the beautiful tresses I'm accustomed to.
She doesn't need glamour hair anymore Dylan, just a wash and rinse in the tub will do. That's how she got into trouble before remember, vanity. The bitch forgot herself, forgot who she belonged to. Now she must be cleansed.
Oh yeah, that's right, the fog returns, everything is right again; my heart beats. I fill the tub with hot water, not punishing, but, hot, wash away the sin.
She doesn't need the gag anymore; she stopped trying to sway me after the last time when I took her so roughly. There wasn't any place on her body that hadn't been bruised or bitten that time.
Now she just watches to see what I will do. I have to take care now though, there's something else to think about; something more precious; the thing that will bind us. Don’t you go getting soft on me Dylan you fuck; do you want this bitch to fuck you over again?
No, I don’t. I wash her too hard and she cries out. One harsh growl from me, and she quiets down again, cowering in the water. I want to comfort, to hold to love. Didn’t I once love? Remember the pain…He’s here again…I’m here to keep you from fucking up again asshole.
It's clean, put it back to bed, but first make it change the sheets. It's been keeping house when not chained to the bed, something new to it I think; why can’t I remember?
Although the plan has worked, I still need to be inside her, all the time it seems, it's the only time my heart beats. I need my heart to beat a lot.
The sheets are changed; I need to feel my heart. Take it, it's yours. Yes, it is, she is; mine to do with as I please. So I do, right there as it’s leaning over to fix the corner of the top sheet.
I drive home in sweet surcease, not too rough now, but I need... No no Dylan later, just take what you need now, nice and easy, remember the plan.