Page 13 of Strangers in the Night: My Broken Heart, Prey, Predator
“Sinea be still, I’ve told you the truth, do you think if I had any choice in the matter that I’d leave you for anything? You’ve felt me everyday for the last week, I planted my son in you, do you think I would do that shit with just anyone if you didn’t mean something to me?”
“How should I know? I’m just the idiot who fell for your story.” She was stiff and cold as he turned her to face him so he could reach her mouth. No matter how she fought he would not let go. “I told you never fight me it’s too dangerous. Just because my son is in your womb that doesn’t mean I won’t put you over my knee. Now quiet down so I can have you.”
She wasn’t about to let him have his was, not after practically telling her he was leaving her. Instead she folded her lips and twisted out of his arms. Killion who knew there was no way around the legend, who knew that this one woman was his, that she and the child she carried were his most prized possessions weren’t about to be rejected by her.
He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, heading for the bedroom and the bed they’d only just left. “Stop it Marcus, I don’t want this anymore.” He’d given her his middle name because it was against the rules to do any other. She was supposed to find him with her senses and not by looking him up in the phonebook.
Not to mention his family name was very well known in the city where he’d learned they both lived. Totally ignoring her objections he took her down to the bed beneath him with her arms caught behind her. Because she wouldn’t stop her struggles he tied her hands together over her strong objections an
He kicked her knees apart and prepared to pound into her since she was already naked, but her swearing made him change tactics. Sitting up on the side of the bed he pulled her over his knees and with his face set in stern lines brought his hand down hard across her ass.
“Don’t you dare you asshole.” She kicked her legs and struggled against his hold making him even more angry. Couldn’t she see that his hands were tied? That he was doing the best he could? He’d tried to prepare her the best he could, sharing as much as he could with her without stepping over the line.
“You…do…not…swear…at…me, ever.” She was in tears by the time he pulled her up to the middle of the bed on her hands and knees and slid his cock into her already waiting pussy. She’s such a fraud; he could tell that she was more than a little turned on by his rough handling no matter how much she protested.
“Ow Marcus that’s too much.” He grabbed hold of her bound arms and pulled as he dug deep into her pussy, which was sucking at him greedily. “Shut the fuck up and take it. You wanna act like a woman then you can fuck like one.”
His words incensed her and she tried her best to throw him off to no avail. His hand came down on her already red ass cheek and rai
ned hell until she stopped struggling and just let him fuck her the way he wanted.
He was so mad and since his son was already in her womb he pulled out and came all over her ass, leaving her high and dry. It took her a minute to realize what it was that he had done and when she did she screamed in frustration but had enough sense not to cuss at him again, which he was waiting for he was that mad.
He tied her down for the first time since the first night as she cried and apologized for her behavior. He ignored her every word as he left the bed and then the house. It was almost time for him to leave he really didn’t need this shit right now, not when they were going to be apart for the next little while.
He had no doubt that the stubborn streak he’d seen in her over the past week would lead her to hold out longer than necessary and maybe he hadn’t made things any better by being so high handed just now, but she’d pushed too far. He could’ve done a hell of a lot more to punish her and he would in the future if she ever got out of hand, but he couldn’t see himself doing such a stupid fuck thing so close to the time they would part.
He went back to his place and missed her as soon as the door closed. He needed some time away from her and he needed to be with her, it was a dilemma to be sure. He killed some time doing shit that didn’t really need doing until he figured she was asleep.
He knew that unlike other pregnancies her symptoms would show up sooner than others, that his son would start draining her from day one. She’d already been showing signs even though she didn’t seem to notice, but he was super aware of each one.
He slipped back into the little cabin where she was staying and just stood in the door looking down at her, memorizing every angle, every line of her beautiful face. “I love you Sinea, so much, always.” He kicked off his shoes and went to her, lying over her back.
She sighed and hiccupped in her sleep and if he hadn’t seen the tear tracks on her face he would’ve known from those two things that she had cried herself to sleep. “I’m sorry little darling.” He kissed the dried tears from her cheeks and turned her around in his arms after untying her.
She awakened to his sweet kisses and his cock already moving inside her. Their earlier conflict forgotten she lifted her arms around his neck and let him take her under. Their bodies moved in synch as she let him fuck her the way he wanted to. Her pussy cried out from pain and overstretching, but she didn’t stop and didn’t ask him to.
She noticed the new urgency to his thrusts and it made her cry because it felt like he was saying goodbye. “Don’t cry my love, it will all be okay I promise.” He covered her mouth with his and sucked her tongue into his mouth as if seeking to take her sadness away that way.
“You better come back for me.” Her words were choked with tears and he felt his own eyes fill as his heart hurt. “I will always be with you, there won’t be a time when I’m not with you.” He closed his eyes as he emptied his seed inside her.
That night he made love to her almost in desperation, turning to her almost as soon as he’d turned away. She was sore when she woke up the next morning, her body aching in all the right places. Her first sign that something was wrong was the blindfold that was next to her instead of covering her eyes. It took her a minute to adjust to having sight again and she hated it.
She flew off the bed and barely stopped long enough to grab a robe to throw over her nakedness before running outside. “Marcus.” She screamed his name out loud as she ran around the little inlet with tears streaming down her face and a hole in her heart.
“Where are you?” She ran the whole length of the little inlet, screaming until her voice was raw. She stumbled and almost fell so blinded was she by tears. When she realized that he was gone she dragged herself back to the cabin and threw herself across the bed, her eyes fixed on the ceiling, staring at nothing. It was as though part of her had died.
He stood in the shadows his bags packed at his feet and watched her with his heart in his throat. He made to go towards her more than once and when she almost stumbled and fell he thought he would break. But in the end he knew it was for the best. If they were going to work he had to give her this.
Chapter Six
It had been three long months. He knew it was her stubbornness that was dragging this shit out. He’d been keeping tabs on her and knew that she was just a shell of herself. A few well-placed inquiries had garnered him the information that even her friends were worried and now with the sign of her obvious pregnancy and no husband in tow, tongues were starting to wag.
He was sitting in a little café on Bourbon sipping on a café au lait when he felt her. He didn’t have to look up to know she was near, the wild staccato of his suddenly fast paced heart was enough.
He held his breath as he waited, it had been agony these last few months waiting for her to get his scent, for her to get over her anger long enough to open her senses and come looking.
A shadow fell across the table and he schooled himself for what he would find when he finally faced her. He let his eyes travel over her form slowly, taking it all in. His child had already rounded her out adding to her already magnificent beauty.