Page 12 of Strangers in the Night: My Broken Heart, Prey, Predator
“Yeah like that, that’s it, take that cock like my big girl.” His words made her feel bold and she spread her legs farther, planted her heels in the bed and pushed herself onto his cock. “Fuck me, perfect.” He hadn’t expected her to be this accepting of him this soon, he guessed his little girl like cock.
“I want this pussy all day everyday for the rest of my life. You’ll get breaks to have my sons and when you have your female complaint I’ll fuck your ass, but other than that there will never be a reason why I can’t have you.” He didn’t get a reply not that he was expecting one. In the next few days he would tell her the way things were going to be with them for the next fifty or sixty years.
He was going to get to know everything about her for what was to come, for that time up ahead that he wasn’t looking forward to, but was an integral part of the legend. It’s what was needed for them to be sure. It was more for her than him; maybe that’s why he wasn’t looking forward to it.
He stroked into her with his face buried in her neck inhaling her scent that was now slightly mixed with his. He was balls deep by the tenth stroke and she set up a long running screaming moaning grunting melody that spurred him on to fuck harder and deeper.
Now she was the one with her face in his neck and her nails scraping groves down to his sweating back. “Talk to me.” She was innately shy, but with him, in this position she felt her inhibitions drift away. “Fuck me harder, I want to feel you there again.” She was almost frenzied in her movements as she pressed her heels into his ass trying to pull his cock into that place where she’d felt better than she ever had in her life.
He knew what she wanted so on his next thrust her fucked through her cervix into her womb. His mouth swooped down just in time to catch her screams. “I’m so sorry my baby.” He softened his kisses in apology for hurting her, but her body was telling a different story and he realized that another part of the legend was being fulfilled.
It only made sense that any woman who could take him would be attracted to a little pain with her fucking, the fact that her pussy was even now twitching and pulsing around his marauding meat told him that she was already there.
“You like hard fucking don’t you little darling? You’re gonna let your man do anything he wants aren
’t you baby?” His mind was almost on overload at the promise of it all. She fucked back at him with each word, her grunts almost as loud as his. “Yes, use my body anyway you want.” She couldn’t believe the words were leaving her mouth but she meant every one.
“Let’s test that should we?” because her eyes were still tightly bound, he reared back and looked down at her spread out before him in all her glory. He took one arm from beneath her thigh and wrapped that hand around her neck squeezing ever so gently.
Her pussy tightened and squeezed around his cock almost cutting off his circulation. “Oh yeah fuck my cock like you want it, I love it.” She moved like a wild thing beneath him her ass going into overdrive as he held still and let her fuck herself as hard as she needed to.
He squeezed as tight as he dared without cutting off too much air, but just enough to make her panic. Her pussy went into orbit and she fucked back so hard she moved the old cast iron bed. He couldn’t hold still any longer.
When she was in the middle of her screaming orgasm he fucked her through it bending his dick almost double in his haste. “Fuck-fuck-fuck, tight sweet pussy, my pussy. Mine-mine-mine.” In his lust crazed haze he forgot that his hand was around her neck and he squeezed, only coming back to his senses when her legs thrashed wildly and her body lifted his in her bid to survive. Her pussy sprouted in what had to be the most fantastic female ejaculation anyone had ever seen.
That shit was so hot he couldn’t resist pulling out of her cunt so he could suck up all that pussy juice. He licked deep before pulling his tongue out and licking all the spilled juice from her mound and pussy lips. Some had reached her lower stomach and he sucked that off as well.
When he’d had his fill of the taste of her he slid back into her body going balls deep in one stroke. “Oh yeah, we’re gonna have so much for the next five decades and beyond.” Her tiny tits were begging for his mouth so he sucked her nipple into his mouth. “My sons are going to give you humongous tits.” He knew this to be true of the women in his lineage.
They all started out with pretty much the same physique, petite with no tits to speak of, until their first child and then they expanded. More than enough to feed their children and their men who were known lactation fetishist.
Mention of having his sons sent her over the edge again, but she had pretty much resigned herself to one continuous orgasm. She could finally feel his weight and his height over her and something about his masculinity made her pussy weep even though she had no idea what he looked like.
“Wait what?” she’d only just realized that he’d cum inside her before without any protection. She tried to stop all movement but he wouldn’t. “You can’t get me pregnant, I’m not ready…” now his hand went around her throat for a different reason.
“You don’t ever tell me no, it’s not fucking allowed. You will do as I say when I say, do you understand me?” She tried not to react, she really did, but once again her body betrayed her and her eyes rolled back in her head as she came harder than she had before. He rode her through it as he himself was close, and just as she went off again he emptied himself inside her with a grunt.
Chapter Five
For the next week Killion stayed with her every second of everyday. He kept her eyes blindfolded but did not confine her to the bed with her arms and legs tied. Instead he took her out on his pontoon, telling her a little bit about himself while I learned everything there was to about her.
She started relaxing by day three and by the time a week had passed they were practically joined at the hip. She found herself looking forward to the way he would hold her as they whispered softly to each other, or waiting for him to feed her from his hand.
Not since the first day when he’d left to go get supplies from his place had he left her side. He’d done that in the early morning hours while she’d slept peacefully which she was now in the habit of doing each night.
“How long are you staying here Sinea?”
“Why, are you leaving?” She sought him out with her head as her nails dug into his arm that was around her. “Shh, calm yourself, I will never abandon you, but there’s something.” He took his time choosing his words.
“I told you about the legend, well there’s another part of it. Once I’ve got you with child, which I have…”
“How can you know that, isn’t it too soon?”
“For most maybe, but I can smell him in you already he’s there. The legend says that I have to leave you for a time so that you can be sure that I’m what you want.” she pulled away from him and made as if to get up.
“I knew this was all bullshit you bastard. You fucked me every hour on the hour for a damn week and now you’re telling me this shit?” She reached for her blindfold but his hands beat hers there. “You can’t. Listen to me, I will not leave you, I will be there all along you just won’t know it’s me. If you choose me you will seek me out, you won’t be able to help yourself and I promise you then that we will never be apart again.”
“You lied, you said you’d never leave.” He sighed in frustration; he knew he would hate this part of it. He hated the fear and distrust evident in her voice and sough to console her, but she wouldn’t let him get his arms around her.