Page 12 of All Grown Up (Eden High)
When she came out of the closet earlier, I only saw the front of her, her chest has grown some sure, but that’s to be expected, I guess. When we were saying bye to her mother, I was too busy giving the other woman the death glare to notice much of anything else. We walked side by side out of the house, and the driver had held the door for her to climb into the car, so I never really got a look at her ass then either.
It’s only now after we’d alighted from the car and she ran ahead of me to read the sign on the door that I noticed the growth behind her. I wanted to remove my shirt and throw it around her shoulders, but then I’d be half-naked. She looked confused as hell when she looked back at me, but the hostess was approaching us, so we had to don our masks and head inside to be seated.
I walked really close to her as we entered the restaurant, pretty sure that every man in the place would be eyeing her ass otherwise. Instead of taking a seat across from her in the booth, I sat beside her, glad for the fact that the other patrons were seated a few tables away from us and wouldn’t overhear the conversation we were about to have.
Granted, my dick was hard as a pike, so I could be misconstrued as a hypocrite for what I was about to say. But what teenage boy wouldn’t be turned on by the sight of her ass in those jeans? I’d like to see him try. She watched me expectantly over the menu as I tried to form the correct words to say to her.
“Have you done something to yourself, Cassie?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, have you injected something into your ass?” From the way her brows shot up into her forehead, I guess I’d surprised her.
“Of course not; what makes you think that?”
“Because you look…different back there.” I didn’t want to use the words, round, or plump, because women tend to be snippy with that shit, but that’s what it was.
“Oh, so it’s working.”
“What? What’s working?” I could see that she was smiling behind her mask, so this couldn’t be a bad thing, whatever it is.
“I’ve been trying this new exercise that Sian and the girls taught me.”
“Yeah?” I’m not sure I believed her. What the hell kind of exercise can do that to her ass in the space of a few months?
I got lucky when she excused herself to go to the washroom, knowing that with the new restrictions, it was going to take a while. I picked up the phone and called Jace as soon as she was out of sight. “What happened?” That was his greeting. I’d forgotten all about the notes and the security detail until he said that. “We’ll be there tomorrow.”
“That’s fine, I have a question. What have your women been teaching my girl?”
“I don’t get it. What do you mean?” How the hell do I tell him this shit? I don’t want him thinking about her ass.
“What’s this new exercise thing about?” The way he snorted, I knew he knew exactly what I was talking about, but he had to play the role.
“What do you mean?”
“Cassie got…bigger.”
“Really, she looked the same when she Facetimed the kids a couple of days ago.”
“You know what I’m talking about; what the hell are they doing?”
“Jared, our boy just saw the effects of Belle’s new routine.”
Jared popped his head up on the screen with a grin. “It’s great, isn’t it? Meanwhile, hands-off, you’ve still got a few days to go.”
“Yeah, I know, don’t remind me. How comes I didn’t notice this change with the girls?”
“You’re not supposed to, asshole. If you had, one of us would’ve ended you by now.”
“Chill, Jace, I’m just trying to understand this shit. What is it exactly that they’ve been doing?”
“Remember a couple of months ago when they went on the Bow flex kick, and we had to outfit their gym with new equipment?”
“Well, Belle apparently found some new routine that was supposed to tone her body. Jared was losing his shit because he thought she was trying to lose weight, but she convinced him that she wasn’t that she was just trying to tone and keep fit. Well, the others decided to join in for support, and well, the rest, as they say, is history.”
“You sure that’s all they’re doing, no drugs or injections or anything like that?” He snorted again. “Repeat that question in your head where you ask me if I think that my wife, who’s still nursing my kids, is taking some kind of drug to make her ass fatter. In what universe is that even possible?”
“Never mind, damn, so I don’t need to be worried.”