Page 11 of All Grown Up (Eden High)
“That’s the right way to think. Maybe we can bring her back with us.”
“She’s coming, gotta go.”
I switched off Facetime just as she came out of the bathroom wrapped in a robe before heading into the walk-in closet to get dressed. She was dressed simply in jeans and a tank, which showed off how much she’d grown in the time I’d been gone. She’s a tiny little thing like the others, which only made that protective streak kick into high gear.
“You look, hot babe, let’s go; I’m starving.”
“I have to say bye to mom before we go; I barely saw her for a second when I came in.”
“Fine, I’ll come with you.” She took my hand and led me from the room, and I saw she was wearing the diamond and sapphire bracelet I’d gotten as one of her gifts. I didn’t say anything, but my heart felt full at the sight.
Her mother was a replica of her, just a bit taller, but she had the same blonde hair and piercing blue eyes as my girl. From the way she looked at me when Cassie made the introductions, I was sure she’d already talked to her husband or knew some of what we’d talked about somehow. She seemed a bit wary of me even as she smiled a welcome, which left me to wonder what exactly he’d told her since neither of them knew about the other’s part in that whole mess, and he most definitely doesn’t want her knowing about that shit.
“Where are you kids off to?”
“Dinner, I’ll have her back before too late.”
“Oh, I’m not worried about that, just have fun. It’s been a while since Cassie’s been out of the house.” The way she ran her hand over my girl’s hair seemed affectionate enough, but it wasn’t enough to make me forgive her just yet.
“Look, mom, look what Alex got me for my birthday; I’ll show you the rest when I get back later.”
Cassie held out her hand for her mom to see the bracelet and gush over it together. “It’s beautiful you have good taste, Alex.”
“Thanks. I’m glad you like it.” I’m sure she picked up on the coldness in my voice, but I couldn’t help it. I’m not mad at her for shooting Mandy, I wish she’d finished the job, but the fact that she’s so selfish she didn’t even know what was going on with her kid is pissing me off.
I held my peace while the two of them said their goodbyes before taking her from the house. I’d forgotten all about the driver until he exited the car to open the door for us. “I got her.” I seated Cassie and made my way around to my side with him on my heels. “The boss called ahead; there’ll be another car following us from now on."
“What? What’re you talking about?” He just shrugged and opened the door for me, and I had no choice but to climb in. “Excuse me, one-second babe, I have to check on something.” I pulled my phone and sent Jace a text asking him what the hell was going on.
“I spoke to dad, gave him a heads up, and this was his idea.”
“I don’t get it; why do we need security?”
“Because some asshole is sending your girl threatening notes, and you don’t know who or where this person might be. Better safe than sorry. Someone will be going to the school to go over her locker for prints.” How the fuck does his mind move this fast?
“Honest truth, you think Mandy has anything to do with this?”
“Of course she does; I’m a hundred percent sure that no one else was there that night except Stanley, Cassie, her parents, and I. Stanley can’t do shit, so the only one left is that viper. Not to worry, though, I got something for her ass. Don’t tell Track about that.”
I’m not getting involved in whatever that is. “How sure are you that she’s involved?”
“Then I’ll be the one to take care of her.” I closed the phone before he could argue, and while Cassie prattled on about this new place she wanted to try, I was cataloging Mandy’s friends and which one of them I was going to start with in my mind.
“Cassie, what the… what are those jeans? What the hell did you do to yourself?” We’d just gotten out of the car in front of the restaurant she wanted to try. The place was doing limited seating because of the pandemic, but it was still packed as far as I could see. I wasn’t interested in the new fusion place though, her ass had just caught my attention, and I am not pleased.
I looked around to make sure no one else was taking notice of her while she looked at me like I was nuts. “What’re are you talking about? What’s wrong with my jeans? Did I rip them or something?” She twisted around to look at her ass, which was much plumper than when I left her a few months ago. I’m not complaining; the shit looks hot as fuck, but what the hell? Where did she get it from?