Page 34 of Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)
“Good luck with that, I’ma hit it again tomorrow and the next day ‘til you get used to it. Let me see what your brother wants and then I’ll lick the cat and see if that don’t put you in a better mood.”
I answered on like the tenth ring, “’Sup?” I listened to him rattle on about Mandy and her lying shit for all of five seconds before interrupting him. “The hospital has security cameras, how does she plan to pull this one off?”
I saw Sian sit up next to me from the corner of my eye and got up off the bed. She didn’t need to be stressing over Mandy and her crazy shit. “Jace what…” I held up my finger for quiet as I headed into the bathroom.
I had no sooner closed the door than there was a knock at my bedroom door. Sian was still ass naked in my bed so I grabbed a robe and went to get it while she flew past me to the shower.
“What’s up dad? Hold on Jared.” I put the phone to my chest and looked at dad who looked like he was ready to commit all kinds of fuckery.
“The cops are here with a warrant for your arrest.”
“They claim you attacked that girl at the hospital today.”
“Jared let me call you back.”
Before I could hang up, a rush of air flew by me. “SIAN…” She was gone. I ran down the stairs behind her with dad hot on my heels. We got downstairs just in time to see her in a standoff with the cops.
“Why won’t you leave us alone? He never went near that ass I was there the whole time.”
“Ma’am we’re aware that you were there at the time and…”
“Are you also aware that there are security cameras in that hospital? Did you think to check them before you came here to harass us? Have you found out who almost killed me and left me for dead?” She folded her arms and tapped her foot; typical pissed off female move.
I could only stand back and watch her work. I know my little firebrand has a mouth on her when it comes to me, but I’d never seen her strip the hide off anyone else before. Wrong place, wrong time, but I couldn’t wait to get her alone again. That shit is hot.
I stepped forward to take over but she wasn’t done yet. “Daddy Chad, call the media I wanna have a press conference about how the police are more interested in protecting the psychopath who probably had me attacked than actually trying to find out what happened to me. I think the residents of this community would just love to know how their tax money is being wasted.”
“”Ms. Claiborne I’m sure you’re aware that we’re doing everything we can to find out what happened to you, but we can’t have your boyfriend running around town taking matters into his own hands.”
“My FIANCÉ did not touch that succubus and why aren’t you checking the cameras?”
“Uh well about that, there seems to be some sort of mix-up with that which our tech guys are looking into as we speak.”
“Well I suggest you come back with an apology after you do. If you arrest him then you’re gonna have to arrest me too because I was there. What about that nurse, the one that thought Jace bought flowers? She was there she can vouch for us.”
“Okay baby that’s enough.” I moved her out of the way. I was with her up to the point when she offered herself up for shackles. I wasn’t afraid of being arrested. If these idiots knew what they were doing I’ll be out before the ink dried on the arrest sheet. “Let’s get this over with…”
Once again I was interrupted, this time by slamming car doors and running feet. Track came in followed close behind by Jared and Shayne and their very wide- eyed women.
“Which one of you is Kiln?” Track asked as he came through the door. The cop in question gave him a dismissive look before deigning to answer. “I am and you are?”
“Never mind that you need to call your boss.”
“My boss? Any why would I be doing that?” Track studied him like a gnat before getting into his face.
“You wanna have a job in the morning?” It was like watching through a looking glass and trying to follow along. No one else spoke at this point and I too was wondering what the fuck was going on. I know Track is into some shit that none of us have any idea about, but this was beyond.
His whole demeanor had changed and that’s saying a lot because my boy tends to be a hard-ass as it is. The way he faced down the two idiots in my living room told a whole other story though. It was almost as if he was the authority, weird. I’ll have to get some shit out of him later.
Before the Kiln guy could make a move one way or the other, his phone rang. “Hello.” I have no idea what was being said on the other end, but from his expression I knew it wasn’t good, not for him anyway.
He must’ve said ‘but sir’ ten times before he hung up with a huff. His glare this time was for Track who just stood there with his arms folded on his chest waiting. He studied him like he was trying to see into his head before shifting his attention back to me.
“Looks like you dodged the bullet again. I don’t know what’s going on around here, how you keep slipping through the cracks, but this won’t last forever. You’re gonna slip up and when you do I’m gonna be there to catch you red handed and no one can save you then.”
“Is that a threat?” Track jumped in before me or my dad could answer. Kiln just gave us all a withering look before being ushered out by his partner who seemed to be more of the observant type.