Page 33 of Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)
Chapter 7
What are you doing pigskin boy?”
“Looking at your ass. I like it. And now that I don’t have to keep that shit a secret I’m on it all day.” Her face turned almost the same shade as her hair and she got all shy on me.
Her ass, which she was always trying to hide, had me mesmerized in her tight jeans as she walked in front of me. As soon as I told her that, she tried to deny me my fun. “Quit it Jared.” She tugged on her shirt, which thankfully was too short and when that didn’t work she tried hiding behind her hands.
“Oh no you don’t.” I walked up close behind her and ran my hand over one cheek. I don’t know why I was torturing myself. I must have some kind of freaky fetish, because I was enjoying the hell out of having to wait. But there was nothing stopping me from enjoying the delights of her lush body in other ways.
I kinda liked the rules I’d laid down. No sex until she accepted my ring. The reason behind that was twofold. My girl wasn’t one for rushing into things so this was something she was gonna have to give a lot of thought to. In the meantime, I would help her make up her mind by keeping her primed.
She ran when I tried to cop an even bigger feel of her ass and swatted at me. “Hey you bring my ass back here.” That got the attention of a few people.
“Jared…” She said my name in that cute whiny way that was so unlike my girl it made me smile. “Come ‘ere you.” It was only one day after I’d told her that she was mine and in that time I could barely keep my hands to myself when we were in the same space together.
Last night we’d been on the phone until she fell asleep. She’s the first girl I’ve ever done that shit with, but I found it to be very effective. Her reflexes were down when she was tired and near sleep and I could ask her anything.
Like getting her to tell me she loved me in her sweet sleep soft voice. She was too cute, much cuter as a girlfriend than she was as a pain in the ass friend of my sister.
Now we were about to head home from school and she was riding with me for the first time as my girl. She came back to me looking around self-consciously at the looks we were getting and we were getting a lot.
I didn’t give a shit. I pulled her into my chest and kissed her right there in the parking lot with the other kids milling around. “You have the sweetest lips baby.” I took one last nibble before taking her hand in mine to walk the rest of the way to the car.
I was very aware of the whispers and bullshit but ignored them. I even saw some of the more popular girls whose only achievement was to land a jock, giving me the stink eye. I ignored them as well. As far as I was concerned I’d won the queen of the bunch.
“Hey you two wait up.” We stopped and looked back at Shayne and Tammy who were running to catch up. They were catching some looks of their own, and I wondered not for the first time how different their lives would’ve been had my sister and I not shown up here.
From what little I had gathered they’d all been heading down that dead end road of same old same old. Where the jocks couldn’t see any farther than the cheerleaders and vice versa. Of course Jace and Sian still fit that particular bill, but they weren’t the average by any stretch of the imagination.
“Have you heard from Jace or your sister after they went to the hospital earlier?” Shayne was out of breath and it wasn’t just from that little jog. From the look on his face something was definitely up.
“Nah why? I kinda figured he took her home with him.” That was pretty much a given since the two of them were joined at the hip and Jace was almost as bad as my dad when it came to protecting Sian.
“Well some shit’s going down. Mandy claims that they attacked her while they were there.” Shayne dropped that little bomb while tapping in numbers on his phone.
“What where the fuck did you hear that?” Okay, I’m getting kinda tired of this shit with her and my sister. I know Jace has it covered, but I’ve been protecting her my whole life and there was no way I was going to be able to just stand by and take hit after hit against my family and not do shit.
“Liz sent me a text…chill baby she had my number from before.” He said that last to his girl who had got her feathers ruffled at his announcement. She put her hands on her hips and gave him that look that males have been deciphering since forever.
It was funny as hell the way the jock crumbled under the glare of the quiet little bookworm. “Tam, baby…” He tried placating her but she just folded her arms and tapped her foot. I kept my tongue in my cheek as I watched the showdown. “Here.”
He passed her the phone and she smiled as she scrolled through. “Now how do I block her?” Red of course jumped right on it and the two of them had some kind of conference while Shayne and I tried calling Jace on my phone.
“Fucking cock blocker, dude’s lucky I’m done.” Sian was assed out on my bed giving me the evil eye and covering her ass with her hands because I’d threatened to come back for seconds. I don’t know what she expected. I’m a growing boy after all and she was my new addiction.
“This has now become a treat. This zone is off limits except for birthdays and Xmas only.” She’s too damn cute even though she’s a little bit deluded if she believes that shit.