Page 50 of Bang Gang
I think it was his hand that first slipped inside my blouse, but I wouldn’t swear on it. It wasn’t his fingers that popped the button on my jeans, though, and definitely wasn’t his hands that lifted me from the sofa enough to shimmy me out of them.
Darren, I want Darren.
I couldn’t bear to see his nonchalance, so I didn’t look for him. There was just the dullest pain, hiding deep, under all the excitement and wine and endorphins. Hiding deep behind the rush of my throbbing clit as someone took advantage of my crotchless knickers to slip their fingers inside the lace.
I heard a grunt of approval, and it wasn’t Darren. Several more, and they weren’t from Darren, either.
I felt someone’s breath between my legs, and it wasn’t him. None of it was him.
Hugh broke the kiss and guided my arms through my sleeves, casting my blouse aside. Just me and the sexy undies remained, and I was glad I’d worn them. My bra was tugged down, my tits flopping free, but I was past caring, the tongue against my clit felt too fucking good.
I reached down, took the pleasurer’s hair in my hands, glad I had the aesthetics of stockings to show me in the best light. Curls. Jimmy O. Definitely Jimmy O.
Jimmy O was good. He pushed two fingers inside my pussy and made me moan.
Buck’s beard tickled my ribs as he sucked my tit into his mouth, I arched my back. Oh God. Oh fucking God.
Little Petey appeared from behind. He leaned over the back of the sofa and came in for a kiss, fingers reaching for the nipple Buck wasn’t sucking.
I clamped Jimmy’s head between my thighs, let out a choked moan as he sucked hard on my clit. He twisted his fingers, just like Darren had done, and it made me feel so strange, so feral.
Slurping and sucking noises, all around me, all on me. The sound of a zipper as someone dropped their pants, and the others followed suit. I heard clothes dropping to the floor, well-orchestrated enough that I barely felt an interruption to the fingers and mouths. Jimmy was working wonders with my pussy. Buck’s mouth sending sparks from my nipple to my clit. Petey’s mouth was wet and keen. I could hear him playing with his dick as his tongue whirred its way around mine. What he lacked in finesse he made up for in appreciation. I knew he wanted me, he was practically jerking off in my face.
Murmured compliments gave me confidence, the awareness of hard horny dicks egging me on.
My thighs lolled open, hips rocking into Jimmy’s hot mouth. A third finger opened me up, and it felt so good I let out a cry, muffled by Petey’s mouth. A hand on mine guided my fingers to a hot hard shaft. Someone else followed suit, and that someone must have been Buck, because that dick was fucking huge, and everyone knows that’s why they call him Big Buck. It felt so fucking weird, stroking two cocks at once, my fingers straining to keep a grip on Buck’s massive girth. I knew what was coming even before Petey pulled away and clambered over the back of the sofa. My mouth was already open wide for his dick when it arrived in my face. He pushed it all the way to the back of my throat, too fast, too soon. It made me gag, and that made me giggle, and the whole thing felt so much better then, ice broken.
I sucked on Petey’s dick, and he had quite some length on him, if not quite the girth. Buck licked at my nipple and thrust his fat cock into my hand, gripped my fingers with his. I heard Hugh groan, another hand gripping mine around a dick, working my fingers up and down.
My head bobbed back and forth, the sound of wet cock loud in the room. I never knew it would be so fucking loud.
Jimmy spread my pussy lips, blew hot breath onto my clit. Oh please.
Jimmy O was going to make me come. Jimmy O was going to make me come really fucking hard.
Jimmy O knew it, too.
He grunted and flicked my clit with his tongue, ran it back and forth as I wriggled under him. His fingers were right on point, the build-up of pressure making my feet twitch.
Darren. Where the fuck was Darren?
I wanted to see him, wanted to touch him, wanted his cock in my mouth, his tongue on my clit. With Petey blocking my view, I couldn’t have seen Darren if I’d wanted to. I tried to forget about him, focused on nothing but the moment, on the sensations in my body as it rushed towards climax. I couldn’t keep a steady rhythm with my hands, my mouth neither, but it didn’t matter. The guys did the work for me, shifted me into position, moved my body for me. I loved it like that. I loved feeling so… taken.