Page 49 of Bang Gang
I knew these guys, I liked these guys. Even Jimmy O who had a reputation for being a filthy dirty bastard down the pub had always been so nice when it came to me, when it came to my girls, too.
Buck leaned in, gave my arm a squeeze, nothing dodgy. “You alright, Jo?” he asked, and I nodded.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just nervous.”
He smiled. “No need to be nervous, whatever you want, however you want it. This is your gig, Jodie, we’re just here when you want us.”
I looked around for Darren but he wasn’t in the room. I heard him banging about in the kitchen, and it seemed to take him an age. He came out with a glass of chilled white and I could have kissed him.
The others were drinking beer, but he had nothing. He sat himself on Ruby’s tatty beanbag in the corner and hardly said a word.
I slumped back in my seat and drank my wine quickly, the heady warmth of it loosening up my inhibitions. I could feel them slipping away, becoming muggy and distant. I liked it. It felt really nice.
Suddenly the red knickers seemed absolutely the right call. I could do this.
Jimmy took my empty glass from my hand and offered me a refill. I saw Darren shoot him a glare.
“Steady,” he said. “She’s had enough.”
“Chill out,” Jim said. “Christ, man, she’s fucking fine.”
Darren followed him into the kitchen and I heard raised voices that the other guys tried to drown out with chit-chat. When Darren came back it was with a glass of water, and Jimmy was quiet. Jimmy offered me a shrug, tipped his head at Trent and pulled a face.
I took the water from Darren’s hand. “Drink up,” he said. “This shit goes down sober or not at all.”
He seemed so fucking mean tonight.
I rolled my eyes before I knocked it back, “I’m not drunk, Trent. I’ve had three bloody glasses.”
“Yeah, and you won’t be having three more.”
I saluted him with a stupid hand gesture once he’d turned away and Jimmy let out a snigger, took the empty glass from me and put it on the side. I tried to forget about it, all of it, just let it all wash over me.
I relaxed back into the sofa and closed my eyes, listened to my thumping heart and tried to prepare myself for what was to come.
The wine made it easier. It definitely made it easier.
Then something changed. The guys stopped chattering and the room became quiet and heavy. Thick with anticipation.
I was going to fuck these guys. All of them.
And I was going to remember it forever.
I flinched as a hand landed on my knee, giggling as I realised it was just Buck.
“Alright?” he said.
I nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”
His fingers tickled and crept up, tracing gentle patterns up my thigh, slowly. So fucking slowly. I took a deep breath. Here we go.
I chanced one final glance at Darren but he wasn’t even looking in my direction. He was so cold, so business-like it hurt, but I didn’t have time to worry about that. This was my experience. My night.
I just wished he’d have wanted me, too. Even if it was just a little bit. That would be enough.
I guess it’s hard to get excited about something you do every single night, especially when it’s a freebie.
I was just a freebie.
Fuck him, then. Mandy Taylor wasn’t a freebie. I bet he made sure she had a damn good time.
Buck’s fingers moved so slowly as they climbed, ending up so close to my pussy that my clit pulsed, and it was now or never, make or break. In a moment of crazy wine-induced confidence – mixed with a tiny little bit of fuck you – I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in.
His beard tickled my chin as his lips landed.
Fuck, I was kissing Buck. Oh my fucking God.
Buck was a good kisser, too. He wasn’t wild and possessive like Darren. There was nothing all-consuming in the way his tongue danced with mine. It was good. It was nice.
I could really fucking do this.
I was really doing this.
Another hand landed on my leg and gripped my knee, and together two guys spread them wide. I went with it, letting my thighs fall open. I only flinched for a heartbeat as someone dropped to the floor between them. Shit.
Strong fingers grabbed at my tits through my fancy new boho blouse, and my nipples were already hard, poking through the flimsy red lace underneath. I kept on kissing Buck, letting the sensations take over as a strong thumb rubbed my clit through my jeans.
I came alive as my pussy did, fantasies bubbling up and over, and when Buck broke the kiss and pulled away, Hugh was already waiting. I smiled before my lips touched his, and that silver fox was an old hat at this. He kissed like he spoke – considered, with the wisdom of age. I liked kissing Hugh very much.