Page 28 of Merciless Saints (St. Monarch's Academy 1)
The brief contact and words stun me while making me tremble, and too late, I realize Damien’s saying goodbye. I stare after him as he takes the stairs down, and unable to stop myself, I call out, “What about the debt?”
In response to my question, he only smirks at me before he disappears under the landing I’m standing on.
Then it hits. Damien won’t be here tomorrow, and a sudden pang of loss makes my heart constrict.
The night feels endlessly long, but at least all the goods have been auctioned off.
Madame Keller stands behind a podium, taking bids. When the two sex slaves are escorted onto the stage, I get up to leave the hall. Unable to stop myself, I glance up to the balcony where Winter is seated with her personal guard. My gaze locks on her as I walk to the door and when she glances down at me, the corner of my mouth lifts.
I head to the backstage entrance where I’ll be able to watch the bidding for the assassins, and then it will be the custodians' turn.
Finding Carson as he watches the auction from the side of the stage, I ask, “Nervous?”
“Not at all,” he murmurs. “I just hope it’s a good contract.”
“Yeah, I’m excited to start working.”
“Next up for bidding are the assassins,” Madame Keller announces. “Adrian Vincent. Son of the late Bruno Vincent. Achievements; one-point-five-kilometer shot, forty-seven kills during a training session.”
She waits for Adrian to take his place on stage, then continues, “Jet Tao. First assassin in his family. Achievements; nine-hundred-meter shot, eighteen kills during a training session.”
After Jet goes to stand next to Adrian, Madame Keller introduces the next assassin, “Riccardo Nero. Second generation assassin and son of Sergio Nero. Achievements; One-point-six-kilometer shot, thirty-eight kills during a training session.”
I pat Carson on the back when he moves forward just as Madame Keller says, “Carson Koslov. Third generation assassin. Son of the late Marko Koslov and younger brother of Alexei Koslov. Achievements; two-point-one-kilometer shot, breaking Alexei Koslov’s record of two kilometers. One hundred and three kills during a training session breaking Alexei Koslov’s record of ninety-three kills.”
I hear murmurs from the crowd as Carson steps out onto the stage. My eyes are locked on him as Madame Keller says, “Please enter your bids.”
I find myself holding my breath as everyone enters their chosen amounts.
When Madame Keller clears her throat, I lift my chin, and my focus shifts to her.
“Adrian Vincent is contracted for nine million euros.”
She won’t say who won the bid. Not when it comes to the assassins, but Adrian definitely got a high-value target for that amount.
“Jet Tao is contracted for five hundred euros.”
I grimace at the low amount.
“Riccardo Nero is contracted for four million euros.”
I suck in a deep breath of air and hold it.
“Carson Koslov is contracted for twelve million euros.”
Instantly a smile splits over my face. As Carson comes off the stage, I pull him into a brotherly hug. “Congratulations.”
He pulls free from me. “I better get down there before I miss bidding on you.”
With a grin, I watch him jog away, and then I turn my attention back to the stage.
“Next up for bidding are the custodians,” Madame Keller announces. “Hugo Lamas. Second generation custodian. Son of Nico Lamas. Achievements; eight seconds reaction time. Nine-second knockout of Paul Connors. Five-second knockout of MJ Fang. One thousand, six hundred and seventeen targets out of two thousand.”
Hugo walks out onto the stage, his face still covered in bruises from the beating I gave him.
Madame Keller continues, “Paul Conners. Third generation custodian. Son of Charlie Conners. Achievements; ten seconds reaction time. Thirteen-second knock-out of Hugo Lamas. One thousand, six hundred and eighty-nine targets out of two thousand.”
Paulie gives me a grin as he walks out onto the stage, and then it’s my turn as Madame Keller introduces me, “Damien Vetrov. Third generation custodian. Son of the late Sacha Vetrov. Younger brother of Demitri Vetrov. Achievements; broken all pre-existing records set by Demitri Vetrov. Three seconds reaction time. Two seconds knock-out of Paul Conners. Four seconds knock-out of Hugo Lamas. One thousand, nine hundred and seventy-seven targets out of two thousand.”
I follow after Hugo and Paulie and take my place on the stage. My eyes instantly find Carson as he drops down in a chair.
“Please enter your bids,” Madame Keller instructs.
I watch as Carson types in an amount. It better be double what Alexei paid for my brother.
The thought almost makes me smile, but I catch myself in time.
Again Madame Keller clears her throat, and slowly I take a deep breath.
“Hugo Lamas is contracted to Sonia Terrero for three million euros.”
Probably to guard her daughter, which means he’ll be stuck at the academy until she graduates.
“Paul Connors is contracted to Riccardo Nero for three million euros.”
Good for you, Paulie.
“Damien Vetrov is contracted to Patrick Hemsley for twenty-five million euros.”