Page 27 of Merciless Saints (St. Monarch's Academy 1)
I’ll tell them it was training. They don’t need to know Vince attacked me.
I rush through my morning routine, and even though there’s no training, I still put on a combat outfit. I’ve just pulled a brush through my hair when there’s a knock at my door.
Instantly excitement bursts in my chest, and I run for the door. I yank it open, and then I let out a happy shriek as I throw my arms around Dad’s neck. “I missed you.”
Dad chuckles as he hugs me back, and when he lets go of me, I reach for Sean.
I hug Cillian as well and let them into the room. Shutting the door, I turn to smile at my family. “This is a nice surprise, but you should’ve stayed on the island.”
“And miss the chance of seeing you?” Dad clicks his tongue. “Never.” His eyes drift over my face, and then he shakes his head. “Look at you.”
I shrug his concern away. “It’s nothing. You should see what the other guy looks like.”
My comment draws a grin from Cillian, then he brags, “She shot Carson Koslov in a game of laser tag.”
Dad’s eyebrows rise as pride settles on his face. “I always knew you had it in you. A born fighter.”
We take a seat in the living room, and I turn my attention to my brother. “Have you been keeping out of trouble?”
“I walked in on him shagging Anja,” Dad grumbles, sounding disgruntled. Anja’s one of the guards' daughters who comes to visit twice a year.
My eyes widen on my brother, and I gasp at him, “Sean!”
Sean rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “Can we not talk about it.”
“He’s young and horny,” Cillian stands up for Sean. “Let the boy have some fun.”
“I just don’t want to know about it or see it,” Dad mutters, then he turns his attention back to me. “Tell me about training. Have you learned anything new?”
I bring my family up to date with everything that’s happened since I last saw them, sans anything Damien related and the incident with Vince and Hugo.
“Order breakfast and feed your old man,” Dad says, pride shining from his eyes.
I call the kitchen and place our orders.
Dad clears his throat then says, “I spoke with Madame Keller about you learning some African languages.”
I nod. “That’s a good idea. I’ll be able to communicate and understand the tribes whenever we’re there to take receipt of a shipment.”
“She said she’ll email you the new schedule,” Dad says.
After our breakfast arrives, I spend the rest of the morning and afternoon visiting with my family before they have to leave.
As I show them to the door, Dad asks, “Will you wear the silver dress tonight?”
I shake my head. “It will be a waste. As an attendee of the academy, I can only watch from a balcony.”
Dad nods. “It’s a pity. I would’ve liked to see you in it.”
A frown forms on my face. “You’re coming?”
“Yes, I want to see what’s on the table tonight.”
“Be careful,” I whisper as I lean in to hug him.
As Dad and Sean step out of the room, Cillian gives my arms a squeeze. “Don’t worry, poppet. I’ll keep them safe.”
My eyes meet his. “Please.”
I watch them walk down the hallway and wave a last time before they disappear down the stairs.
I shut the door again and then walk to my closet to change into a fresh pair of cargo pants and a t-shirt for the night. Wanting to watch as everyone arrives, I quickly tie my hair back before I leave the room. Stopping at the top of the stairs, I rest my forearms on the banister. I have a clear view of the front doors, and my attention is glued to the people as they step inside St. Monarch’s.
Lucian Cotroni catches my eye as he walks toward the front doors, and then I see why. His father, Luca, comes in, and they hug before they stand to the side so crates can be carried in. They’re probably auctioning weapons tonight.
One after the other families arrive, each with whatever they’re putting up for sale.
When Sonia Terrero, the Queen of Terror, comes in with two girls covered in coats with hoodies, I pull a disgusted face.
Delicious aftershave grabs my attention, and then Damien comes to stand next to me. “Selling diamonds tonight?” he asks.
I straighten up and let my eyes drift over the black three-piece suit he’s wearing. It fits his body like a glove.
Damn, he looks hot.
When I take too long to answer because I’m practically drooling over him, he says, “I saw your family earlier.”
“Oh.” Shaking my head, I have to tear my eyes away from him. “No, we don’t have anything on auction.”
We watch as more people arrive, and then Damien turns his head, and his eyes lock on mine with an intense stare. A long moment pass and then he leans into me, and with his mouth brushing over my jaw, he murmurs, “It was nice meeting you, Princess. Try not to get yourself killed.”