Page 90 of Bad Bad Girl
Neely looked up from her plate with a satisfied smirk on her face.
Coley tried to swallow the forming ball in the back of her throat. “But it doesn’t really matter now. I did break up. I managed to push Vance away, whether I like it or not.”
“I’m not so sure about that. I think all you have to do is be honest with yourself and honest with him. I think you could work it out, if you really wanted to.”
Coley shook her head and fought back the building tears. “How? I was so mean. I pushed him away when all he wanted to do was love me. I used Sara, domestic discipline and his friends as an excuse.”
Neely reached across the table and grabbed Coley’s hand. “Then tell him that. Swallow your pride and be honest. He’s worth that.”
Coley looked down at her lap in defeat. “I’m not sure that I can.”
“You’re going to lose her, man,” Caine warned.
“I already did,” Vance replied. He took a large gulp of the beer in front of him to try to numb the pain in his heart that Caine was dredging up again. The past two weeks had been absolute hell.
“No, I mean if you don’t get off your stubborn ass, she’s going to take off to Ireland.” Caine waved for the bartender to bring them two more beers.
“Ireland? What do you mean?”
“I mean my crazy ass sister is picking up and going to Ireland unless you stop wallowing in your self-imposed misery, and put an end to this break up.”
Panic sunk in at the thought of knowing Coley would be leaving the country. “Have you forgotten that she broke up with me? She doesn’t want me. She doesn’t love me.” Saying the words stung.
“Ah, for Christ sake, you have got to be kidding me! You know damn well that she loves you.” Caine placed cash on the bar as the new drinks arrived. “Let me tell you something about my sister. She loves you. She’s hurting and she’s scared. She is also stubborn as hell and won’t make the first move.”
“I’m not so sure that it’s as simple as that. She has issues about our lifestyle, and she has a real hang up over my past.”
Caine shook his head. “I don’t agree. She’s just telling you what you want to hear to let the relationship end. Let’s face it, man. You aren’t doing a real good job at fighting for her.”
Vance looked down at his beer for a few moments before answering, “I guess you’re right. I really fucked things up.”
“You have to fight for what you want. You have to make her know that you will never just let her walk away. She needs to know you will always fight for the relationship.” Caine shrugged. “That’s my advice at least, for what it’s worth.”
Vance nodded as he contemplated what Caine was telling him.
“If you love her like you say you do, then you better get over there and convince her that she was wrong in leaving you,” Caine added.
“I do love her. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.”
“Wanted or want?” Caine raised an eyebrow in question.
Vance smirked back. “Want. I definitely want to spend the rest of my life with her.”
Caine tilted his glass towards Vance’s and replied, “Well then, I guess you know what you better do about that.”
She was packing the last of her boxes when she heard a knock at the door. She tried to smooth the tangle of curls that was messily pulled into a ponytail and wiped the dust off her jeans before rushing to answer the door. Cracking the door to see who was there, she swallowed the instant lump that formed in the back of her throat at the sight of Vance standing before her.
“Can I come in?”
Coley opened the door and motioned for him to enter. “Of course. I was just… um… I’m just finishing up packing.”
Vance glanced at all the boxes piled in the living room. “Caine told me you were going to Ireland.”
“Yes. I have a lot of writing I need to get done, and…” She paused to fiddle with the amethyst stone around her neck that she had never removed. “And I just thought it would be a good thing for me right now. I’ve rented out my house since I’m not sure when, or if I’ll be returning. I plan on finishing my book there.”
“You do need to write. I’m sure you’re behind,” Vance agreed.
Coley continued to play with the necklace. The awkward feeling between them was almost too much to take. “Yes, I guess I am.”
Vance walked over to Coley and pulled her into an embrace. “I couldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye.”
Coley snuggled into his neck and allowed the tears to flow. She thought she had felt heartache the past two weeks, but nothing compared to the pain she was feeling now. The only thing she wanted was for Vance to never let her go. She wanted to hear him declare his love for her and make them one, once again. But instead, he was simply giving her a goodbye hug.