Page 89 of Bad Bad Girl
Waking up every day without Vance in her life was excruciating. She walked into a dark fog of sadness all the time and missed him every waking second. Coley decided that the only way to try to move past the pain was taking a trip to Ireland to finish her book. She had never been, and going to new places was always her way of finding inspiration. Maybe the change of scenery, and focusing on work would help put her heart back together.
She took a deep, calming breath as she walked into the restaurant to meet Neely for lunch. Breaking the news about her trip wasn’t going to be easy. Coley knew she had a lecture coming on how she always tries to escape her problems. At least she only had to face Neely and not her brother as well.
Neely was already seated, waving to catch Coley’s attention. “Coley, over here.” Neely looked absolutely stunning. The look of love was painted all over her face.
Coley sat down and tried to give a weak smile. Faking her happiness to her best friend would be futile, but at least she would try.
Neely frowned. “You look like shit. I take it that you haven’t spoken with Vance.”
“Can we not talk about him?” Coley sighed as she ordered an ice tea and picked up a menu.
“Not an option,” Neely declared as she, too, looked at the menu.
There was a welcomed silence as they both decided their selections and made their order with the waitress. After the waitress left, Neely looked Coley in the eyes and went in for the kill.
“Why haven’t you called him?”
Coley shrugged. “It’s over, Neely. I don’t see the point in dragging out a break up. It is what it is.”
“Bullshit.” Neely actually looked angry. “I see how much you miss him. You’ve been miserable the last couple of weeks and it’s because you want him back. Don’t even try lying to me.”
Coley grabbed a piece of straw wrapper and fiddled with it between her fingers. For the first time Neely was making her uncomfortable.
“Seriously, Coley. I don’t understand why you have to be so damn stubborn. You love this guy. It’s obvious that you do. So why are you so determined to try to destroy it?”
Coley flinched at the word ‘love’.
Neely picked up on her body language and added, “Yes. You love him. You love him, and you need to admit that to yourself.”
“Love is a strong word.”
Neely nodded in agreement. “Yes, and you love him. Stop lying to yourself.”
“Maybe I do… or did. Regardless, it’s over now.” Coley took a drink before adding, “I didn’t come to hear a lecture. I came to tell you that I’m leaving.”
Neely crossed her arms, leaned back in her chair and just glared in response.
Coley shifted in her seat. “You look mad. Come on, Neely. Don’t be mad at me.”
Neely continued to glare.
“You know I like to travel. I’m going to Ireland. I need to finish my book and well…”
The silent glare from Neely continued.
“Stop staring at me like that! You’re making me feel bad.”
Neely took a deep breath before speaking. “This is typical Coley.”
Coley could feel her temper rising. “And what do you mean by that?”
“You run when you get scared. You’re a coward.” Neely had never been so blunt and harsh before.
Coley’s temper boiled over. “You have no idea what you’re talking about! Not everyone can have Happily Ever After like you and Caine. We all don’t live in a fantasy world!”
“Have you forgotten that I was once divorced? My life wasn’t always a fairytale. But I took a chance. I took a risk on love and am finally getting to reap the rewards. Caine and I earned our happiness because we didn’t run and hide like you and Vance. You two will always be scared little kids who will never succeed in a relationship if you continue acting this way.” Neely leaned forward on the table with a scowl on her face. “You’re stronger than this, Coley. You have to stop running. Your bohemian life has got to come to an end sometime if you ever want to be truly happy.”
“How do you know that I’m not happy? I don’t have to have a man—”
“Oh, stop that line of bull! You know what? You write your erotica and act carefree and spirited. But I can see you aren’t truly happy. Maybe you should try a chance at love… you may just have a top selling romance on your hands.”
The waitress walked up to the table delivering their meals, breaking the heated conversation. The moment was welcomed. Coley loved Neely with her whole heart, but she had the urge to rip her hair out right about now. The truth of the matter was, she knew Neely was right.
“Maybe you’re right,” Coley softly admitted.