Page 29 of Bad Bad Girl
I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it, and from what I had been reading, it sounded like many couples benefited from a traditional marriage. I was surprised at the type of women online who practiced Domestic Discipline or what they called DD. They were doctors, lawyers, business women, and even Christians. I read stories of how adding it to a marriage had prevented many divorces. I also read how many women longed for discipline, but they were unsure of how to tell their husbands. I considered I was lucky I had such a powerful man who knew exactly what he wanted, and knew how to get it. Caine was the type of man romance novels were written about.
I was nervous about Domestic Discipline being in our relationship. Seeing Caine as the Head of Household seemed simple enough, but the idea he could, and would eventually spank me, sent butterflies to my stomach. It was hard to imagine Caine touching me in any way other than his kisses, his warm embraces, and his passionate lovemaking. There was a huge part of me that wanted to get it over with; to see what it would be like. As much as I was nervous, I was eager for it to happen as well. No matter what, I knew I would do whatever he asked. I loved him, and I knew with all of my heart that he loved me, too. Being honest with myself, I knew that there was a part of me that desired Caine spanking me. I wanted it. I needed it.
I pulled up to the house and my stomach sank the minute I saw Coley’s car. Not only had I not told Coley about Caine and me being in love, Caine was under the impression I had. I knew inside that house were two people who were absolutely incensed with me.
I opened the door to the house still clinging to a hope that maybe the conversation never came up. That maybe they both had no idea what I did, or rather, didn’t do. As I walked into the kitchen, I saw by the way they both glared at me any hope of a good outcome was lost.
“Neely, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you and Caine are together!” Coley screamed. I had never seen Coley this mad at me. Her curly hair looked wild around her face. Her green eyes flared with anger.
Caine crossed his arms and stared at me with fury in his eyes. “You told me you were going to tell her. Two weeks ago!” Caine’s voice boomed.
Coley gasped. “Two weeks ago? Two weeks ago! Jesus, Neely, I thought we were friends!” She then turned her anger towards Caine. “And you! You’re my brother for Christ’s sake! Why the fuck have you been keeping this secret?”
I quickly came to Caine’s defense. “It’s not Caine’s fault. I told him I would tell you, and he had assumed I had. I’m so sorry, Coley! I didn’t mean to hurt you by not saying anything. I just—”
Caine interrupted with rage in his voice. “Are you telling me, Neely, you haven’t told any of your friends about us? Are you hiding our relationship like some dirty little secret?”
I shook my head as I looked at the two most important people in my life. They both had such anger directed at me. But what broke my heart was the pain in their eyes.
“I am so sorry, Caine. I love you so much. I have no excuse for not telling Coley.” I turned toward Coley. “Please forgive me, Coley. You are my best friend, and I should have told you.”
Coley looked at Caine and then looked at me. “Do you love my brother?” Coley asked calmly. “Because he just got done telling me he is head over heels in love with you.”
“Yes, yes! I love him more than I have loved anyone. I didn’t know I could feel a love like this. It’s all consuming and I love every minute of it. I guess I was just living in my perfect utopia with Caine, and I chose to be selfish by not sharing it with anyone,” I answered as tears burned the back of my eyes.
Caine walked toward me and pulled me into his arms. He kissed me on my forehead and in a very calm but firm voice said, “I’m going to leave you alone to talk to Coley. You need to fix this. When I get back, you and I are going to have a serious talk.” He pulled away and kissed me gently on the lips. “I love you.”
He grabbed his keys and walked out the door. I felt so relieved that he still loved me, but I felt extremely guilty for hurting him and making him so angry. I looked at Coley who was standing with a stunned look on her face.