Page 28 of Bad Bad Girl
Without pause I answered, “Yes.”
Yes, it did make me feel submissive. That was the only word that seemed to fit the rush of emotions coursing through me. I felt safe, protected, loved. I also felt compliant and obedient. But then the realization hit me. I felt feminine, womanly. And Caine was masculine and dominant. Everything felt right.
Caine slowly removed his finger, leaving me with a sense of emptiness. He quickly pulled me closer into his strong embrace. With his arms wrapped tightly around me, I closed my eyes and relished the dynamic that was just created.
“Are you all right, sweetheart? That was a pretty intense thing we just did,” Caine asked as he squeezed me even tighter.
I nodded my head. “I had no idea…I didn’t know.”
“Does that help explain why I would use my finger on you?” Caine asked.
I nodded again. “Yes.” I pulled away enough so I could look into his eyes. “I find it hard to see how that could be considered a punishment. It made me want you even more.”
Caine smiled before softly kissing my lips. “I like the way you think. But trust me, it isn’t always going to be something you enjoy. Can you imagine if you were mad, and I did that? And this time I wasn’t angry or disappointed in you, so you didn’t feel any remorse. And you didn’t do anything wrong, so you weren’t anxious that a spanking was going to follow.” Caine paused and took a moment to just look at me. “I need you to always trust that I have your and our best interest in mind. I will never abuse this.”
“I trust you with my life, Caine. I’m scared, and I’m nervous. But I’m also excited for our future,” I confessed.
“I’m excited too, Neely girl.”
I was driving home from work smiling and humming along to the radio. I was happier than I had ever been in my entire life…euphoric. I loved my new job and the people I worked with. I loved how it challenged and stimulated me. But more than anything, I was madly in love with Caine. Our relationship in the past two weeks had been absolute bliss. We spent every free moment we had with each other. We cooked romantic dinners at home, or spent time jogging around the neighborhood. We would talk about everything from politics, religion, to our views on family. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man. I was hopelessly in love.
Getting accustomed to Caine as a boyfriend took some getting used to at first. He had always been shielding and bossy toward me for as long as I could remember. But now, as a boyfriend, he was even more so. He was so loving and attentive but extremely protective. He made sure I ate properly and that I got enough sleep. He worried if I didn’t call him if I was going to be late. He lectured if I let my gas tank get too low. He doted on me completely. I had never felt so loved and cared for before. I had always been an independent woman and took pride on my ability to take care of myself. But damn, it felt good to have someone else want to do it.
I also loved how dominant he was in bed. I had never experienced, or could even have imagined, how exhilarating sex could be. He took me to new heights and new plateaus of an orgasm. There were times I felt as if I would explode and simply die from his passion. He could simply look at me with his sensuous eyes, and I would ache with need. It took everything I had not to think about sex constantly. He introduced me to new feelings and sensations.
I blushed as I thought about how he was patiently getting me ready for anal sex. He would press his finger into my tight entrance, taking his time. He then would put in a second finger, slowly stretching me, using my reaction to judge what I could handle. He would press deeper, leaving me breathless with the pleasure and the pain. I would beg and plead for more, wanting him to possess me completely. His answer was always that I was not ready, not yet. I would fantasize about what it would be like the first time he fucked my ass. He had awoken a passion and a need which I never knew existed. He allowed me to submit to my desires, allowed me to submit to him.
The only negative was I had yet to tell Coley or any of my friends I was romantically involved with Caine. I didn’t know how to approach that conversation. I knew deep down they would all be happy for me. But I was nervous because they all knew Caine believed in Domestic Discipline. The idea they all knew Caine would spank me made me hesitate in telling them. I didn’t know what to say about it, or how to describe it to them, mainly because Caine hadn’t used Domestic Discipline yet. The closest I came to a spanking was when we would play around in bed and tease each other.