Page 16 of Filthy Twin Stepbrothers (Forbidden Fantasies 20)
Ryder grins mischievously. “Those straps came in handy, that’s for sure.”
“I personally liked how it left a little to the imagination,” Rick offers. “Sometimes a hint of sexiness is fun for a change.”
Blushing, I press on. “I’m glad it wasn’t too risqué. I wouldn’t want people to think my designs were Frederick’s of Hollywood or something of that sort.”
The brothers frown. “No, your work is incredibly tasteful, Chrissy,” Ryder assures me. “It’s very high end.”
“What would make you think it wasn’t?” asks Rick at the same time.
I think for a moment.
“I don’t know. I guess it’s risky to design lingerie for girls like me, who are bigger. We don’t fit the typical model stereotype, and with such small pieces of cloth, we tend to pop out on all sides. But I want women like me to feel sexy, and not like they have to squeeze into something that’s too small.” Blushing fiercely now, I poke at my dinner, wishing I hadn’t brought up such doubts. I don’t have to worry, however, because both men immediately jump in.
“No sweetheart, your designs are perfect,” growls one brother.
The other agrees.
“I like it when you pop out of your clothes,” Ryder says with a naughty look. “To be honest, that’s my favorite part.”
But then they get serious.
“Besides,” Rick says with a shake of his head, “and don’t take this the wrong way – but if we didn’t have confidence in your work, we wouldn’t have offered to help you launch a new line.”
“Exactly,” agrees Ryder. “Rick and I are businessmen, and we know a good product when we see it. You’ve got talent, Chrissy. Don’t underestimate yourself.”
I smile a bit sheepishly.
“Well, I’m glad you two at least like my style,” I murmur. I feel a bit better, but sometimes, I still doubt myself, and it’s my mom’s fault. Angela always makes me feel less than and I really need to stop listening to her.
But the good part about all this is that I can be open with the twins. I feel like I can to talk to Rick and Ryder about nearly anything, including my body-image issues, my doubts about my business, and even my plans for the future. In past relationships, I never felt like I could be so truly myself. Inevitably, I would be hiding something – my love of certain hobbies or even my penchant to eat two sandwiches for lunch, and not just one. It wasn’t healthy and led to constant awkward moments. Now, however, I don’t know if there’s a single thing I could say to Rick and Ryder that would be a deal breaker. That’s how good things are.
Yet there’s a lot that remains unsaid between the three of us because I still haven’t told them that I’m their long-lost stepsister. Dread builds in my heart. I have to do the big reveal, but it gets more difficult each day I put it off.
Be brave, the voice in my head encourages. You can do this, Chrissy. The fact is, I have to tell them someday. So I take a deep breath because if not now, then when?
“Why do you guys like me?” I ask bluntly.
Two pairs of blue eyes lock with mine in confusion. “What do you mean?” Ryder asks, immediately serious. “What are you talking about?”
“I mean, that night at the reunion. Why did you approach me?” I clarify. For a moment, I wonder if I’ve ruined the evening with such a serious question, but Rick merely shrugs.
“Honey, you were the hottest woman in the room,” he says. “And when we went for drinks afterward, we saw that you were incredibly ambitious and excited about life, which we appreciate.”
Ryder nods, agreeing with his twin. “It was refreshing to meet a woman who was hopeful yet realistic about her dreams, as well as talented and beautiful too,” he adds.
“So it wasn’t something else?” I demand seriously.
They stare at me.
“No,” says Ryder in a slow voice. “Why, is there something we should know?”
This is my moment. This is my opportunity to tell them about my mother, and the fact that we’re step-siblings from long ago. But even as the words bubble up in my throat, I clamp them down.
“No, just wondering that’s all,” I say with a weak smile. “Sorry! Just got carried away.”
My words don’t even make sense and the twins shoot me another hard look. But Ryder takes my hand then, squeezing the small palm.
“You can tell us anything,” he rumbles soothingly. “At any time.”
“You’re not going to scare us away,” adds Rick with a smile. “We adore you, sweetheart, and we moved to Sheridan to be with you. Whatever it is, it’s not so bad.”
With that, I shoot them a watery smile but my lips stay pressed together. My secret has somehow grown to gargantuan proportions, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to tell them the truth. What’s going to happen? The twins will find out inevitably, but the question is when? And when they do, will they forgive me for deceiving them?