Page 15 of Filthy Twin Stepbrothers (Forbidden Fantasies 20)
But I remain steadfast in my refusal to reveal my relationship with Rick and Ryder. After all, what possible good could come from it? Angela’s only got one thing on her mind, and that’s money. We’ve been lucky so far because the saltbox house she hates so much is located on the fringes of Sheridan, and the fact is that she’s too poor to come into the city and partake of its delights. As a result, Rick, Ryder and I have been able to avoid her pretty easily. But at some point, the truth will be revealed, and what then? Will I suffer because I’m dating my stepbrothers, and because they’re filthy rich? I pant heavily, before another wave of nausea overtakes me.
I’m in the middle of luxuriating in a bath when there’s the sound of the front door opening.
“Honey, we’re home!” Rick calls out teasingly.
“I’m in the bathroom!” I sing back, happy that my two lovers are finally done with a long day’s worth of work. It’s been several hours since my horrible conversation with Angela but I’m still reeling from her vindictive attack. In an effort to rid myself of the stench of her abuses, I decided that the best way forward was to literally wash myself clean.
“What’s all this?” Ryder calls out from the kitchen. I grin as I slide beneath the bubbles.
As a surprise, I also decided that I should focus on the good things in my life, and prepared a Mexican themed feast for our dinner tonight.
In a few seconds, Ryder and Rick are peeking into the bathroom. Two pairs of bright blue eyes sweep across my body, their gazes hot and naughty. And suddenly, two pairs of hands are diving in the water around me, tickling me and splashing the bathroom floor with soapy suds. It’s playful, romantic, and just what I need.
A few wet kisses and soaked shirts later, I climb out of the bath and begin to towel off.
“Don’t bother getting dressed,” Ryder says wickedly.
“Seriously, why do you even wear clothes?” Rick chuckles, smacking my backside for good measure. “Just walk around naked, sweetheart. You know we don’t mind.”
“Guys,” I giggle my head at them. “I can’t just walk around nude! I’d get cold!”
The twins’ blue eyes gleam.
“We’ll keep you warm,” growls Ryder.
“Steaming,” adds Rick with another squeeze of my bottom. But I’ve put on a plush white robe, and wrap it tightly around my waist.
“Rick, Ryder, we have a massive taco dinner to devour, so I suggest we tackle that meal first.”
At that, the two men laugh, retreating in the direction of the kitchen.
Alone once more, I stare at my reflection in the fogged-up mirror, feeling considerably better now that the guys are home. The Walshes have a way of making me feel an easy happiness like I’ve never experienced before. Smiling, I slip into shorts and a tank top and make my way to the kitchen, where Ryder’s scooping a mouthful of guacamole into this mouth, looking like a naughty schoolboy who just got caught misbehaving.
“Ryder Walsh!” I chide him, but he takes the bowl of guacamole and escapes to the living room. Beside him, Rick grabs a bag of corn chips and swats my bottom while heading for the TV.
But instead of pursuing the twins, I begin dishing the various taco components onto plates and bowls, and within minutes, the three of us are settled at the dining room table, ready for a night of good food and even better company.
“How did the meeting go?” I ask the guys while sprinkling cheese onto my creation.
“It went well,” Rick says before taking a huge bite of ground beef and tortilla.
Ryder nods. “The manufacturer is eager to get started. They want to work with Ayema, seeing that our order size is triple what they’re used to.”
Nodding in agreement, I take a bite of my taco.
“What about you? Did you end up having to go into the shop today?” Ryder asks me, blue eyes inquisitive.
“No, Wednesdays are usually really slow, and unless we have to do inventory, my boss doesn’t like a lot of people just hanging out around the place.” I fidget with my food, omitting the worst part of my day –the conversation with my mom. But the twins can sense my mood.
“What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” Rick tilts his head to a side.
“Nothing,” I reassure him with an easy smile. The last thing I want to do is talk about my mother with the guys. I’ve managed to stay vague on the subject of family so far, and want to keep it that way. So instead, I change the subject. “I take it you guys liked that little number I designed? The bra with the lacy elastic straps? I mean, if last night’s reaction is anything to go off of.”