Page 46 of Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful 1)
I hung up and glanced at Travis, who watched with mild annoyance. I turned away from him and curled into a ball, tensing with excitement.
“You’re such a girl,” Travis said, turning his back to me.
I rolled my eyes.
He turned over, pulling me to face him. “You really like Parker?”
“Don’t ruin this for me, Travis!”
He stared at me for a moment, and then shook his head, turning away once again. ?
?Parker Hayes.”
Chapter Six
Monday night’s date met my every expectation. We ate Chinese food while I giggled at Parker’s skills with chopsticks. When he brought me home, Travis opened the door before he could kiss me. When we went out the following Wednesday night, Parker made sure to kiss me in the car.
Thursday at lunch, Parker met me in the cafeteria and surprised everyone when he sat in Travis’s spot. When Travis finished his cigarette and came inside, he walked past Parker with indifference, sitting at the end of the table. Megan approached him but was instantly disappointed when he waved her off. Everyone at the table was quiet after that, and I found it difficult to focus on anything Parker talked about.
“I’m assuming I just wasn’t invited,” Parker said, catching my attention.
“I heard your birthday party is on Sunday. I wasn’t invited?”
America peeked at Travis, who glared at Parker as if he was seconds away from mowing him down.
“It was a surprise party, Parker,” America said softly.
“Oh,” Parker said, cringing.
“You’re throwing me a surprise party?” I asked America.
She shrugged. “It was Trav’s idea. It’s at Brazil’s on Sunday. Six o’clock.”
Parker’s cheeks flushed a faint red. “I suppose I’m really not invited, now.”
“No! Of course you are!” I said, holding his hand on top of the table. Twelve pairs of eyes zeroed in on our hands. I could see that Parker was just as uncomfortable with the attention as I was, so I let go and pulled my hands onto my lap.
Parker stood up. “I have a few things I need to do before class. I’ll call you later.”
“Okay,” I said, offering an apologetic smile.
Parker leaned over the table and kissed my lips. The silence was cafeteria-wide, and America elbowed me after Parker walked out.
“Isn’t it creepy how everyone watches you?” she whispered. She glanced around the room with a frown. “What?” America yelled. “Mind your business, perverts!” One by one, heads turned away, and murmuring ensued.
I covered my eyes with my hands. “You know, before I was pathetic because I was thought to be Travis’s poor clueless girlfriend. Now I’m evil because everyone thinks I’m bouncing back and forth between Travis and Parker like a Ping-Pong ball.” When America didn’t comment, I looked up. “What? Don’t tell me you’re buying into that crap, too!”
“I didn’t say anything!” she said.
I stared at her in disbelief. “But that’s what you think?”
America shook her head, but she didn’t speak. The icy stares from the other students were suddenly apparent, and I stood up, walking to the end of the table.
“We need to talk,” I said, tapping Travis’s shoulder. I tried to sound polite, but the anger bubbling inside me put an edge to my words. The entire student populace, including my best friend, thought I was juggling two men. There was only one solution.