Page 45 of Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful 1)
Travis sat on the bed and crossed his arms. “Did you have a good time?”
“I had,” sigh, “a fantastic time. A perfect time. He’s …” I couldn’t think of an adequate word to describe him, so I just shook my head.
“He kissed you?”
I pressed my lips together and nodded. “He’s got really soft lips.”
Travis recoiled. “I don’t care what kind of lips he has.”
“Trust me, it’s important. I get so nervous with first kisses, too, but this one wasn’t so bad.”
“You get nervous about a kiss?” he asked, amused.
“Just first kisses. I loathe them.”
“I’d loathe them, too, if I had to kiss Parker Hayes.”
I giggled and left for the bathroom to scrub the makeup from my face. Travis followed, leaning against the doorjamb. “So you’re going out again?”
“Yep. He’s calling me tomorrow.” I dried my face and scampered down the hall, hopping into the bed.
Travis stripped down to his boxers, and sat down with his back to me. A bit slumped over, he looked exhausted. The lean muscles of his back stretched as he did, and he glanced back at me for a moment. “If you had such a good time, why are you home so early?”
“He has a big test on Monday.”
Travis wrinkled his nose. “Who cares?”
“He’s trying to get into Harvard. He has to study.”
He huffed, crawling onto his stomach. I watched him shove his hands under his pillow, seeming irritated. “Yeah, that’s what he keeps telling everyone.”
“Don’t be an ass. He has priorities … I think it’s responsible.”
“Shouldn’t his girl top his priorities?”
“I’m not his girl. We’ve been on one date, Trav,” I scolded.
“So what did you guys do?” I shot him a dirty look and he laughed. “What? I’m curious!”
Seeing that he was sincere, I described everything, from the restaurant to the food to the sweet and funny things Parker said. I knew my mouth was frozen in a ridiculous grin, but I couldn’t stop smiling while describing my perfect evening.
Travis watched me with an amused smile while I blathered on, even asking questions. Although he seemed frustrated with the situation regarding Parker, I had the distinct feeling that he enjoyed seeing me so happy.
Travis settled in on his side of the bed, and I yawned. We stared at each other for a moment before he sighed. “I’m glad you had a good time, Pidge. You deserve it.”
“Thanks,” I grinned. The ringtone of my cell phone reverberated from the night table, and I jerked up to look at the display.
“It’s tomorrow,” Parker said.
I looked at the clock and laughed. It was 12:01. “It is.”
“So what about Monday night?” he asked.
I covered my mouth for a moment and then took a deep breath. “Uh, yeah. Monday night is great.”
“Good. I’ll see you Monday,” he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.