Page 21 of Breaking the Bully
The way she behaves with me all day Sunday, it’s almost like she’s feeling the same way. I catch her eyes on me across the room, her nose wrinkled thoughtfully. Maybe she’s waiting for me to turn back into a monster. It’s because of that worry that I do my damnedest to wait until she initiates sex—and I’m shocked and grateful every time she does. Every time she unzips my pants and offers me her pleading little mouth, scooting her butt onto the closest surface and opens her legs for my cock. This goes beyond addiction. Beyond anything I knew existed. I’ve fucked her four glorious times today—hard, rabid, sweat-soaked sessions that left us depleted—and here we are again.
A few minutes ago, she woke up from a nap. Sat up and looked down at me shyly, exhaling. Wetting her lips. She trailed a hand down my stomach and slipped it beneath the sheet where I was already stiff, waiting anxiously, her hand closing around me and stroking once, twice, three times. My strangled moan was still hanging in the air when this tight little goddess got down on all fours, facing the end of the bed, letting me see everything.
Everything. That’s what I’m looking at right now.
She’s rosy and swollen from being banged so many times today, but so is my cock and it’s still eager. As she clearly is now, waiting for me to take her from behind for the first time. Pouting back at me over her shoulder.
“Tilt,” I whisper, sliding my hands up the backs of her thighs and over her naked backside. I massage her cheeks, parting the supple flesh, swallowing hard over the pucker of her asshole, made extra visible when she follows my command, tilting her hips, throwing her head back a little. My cock leaks fluid onto the sheets, my abdomen knitting up violently. This position isn’t for a boy and girl. It’s for a man and a woman. And I don’t know if my craving to lick her untried entrance is right or wrong, but it’s necessary. I’m salivating, a bead of sweat rolling down my back.
I start to lean down. Maybe I’ll just kiss it and see what happens.
That’s when I notice the full-length mirror across the room. I can see her face. See the way she squeezes her eyes closed, biting her lip in anticipation. It’s too much of a temptation to watch her react to a lick of that little pink hole. So I do it. A growl leaves me involuntarily as my tongue drags slowly over that pretty ring.
Allie’s eyes fly open on a gasp.
Our gazes find one another in the mirror—and I grip her cheeks tight and do it again, again, stiffening my tongue and laving her, my right hand relinquishing one of side of her butt so I can knuckle her pussy. And ahhh, Jesus, she’s already soaked, her clit swollen from so much attention today. Never able to resist that little bud for long, I get down on my elbows and crane my neck, tonguing her hungrily from below, her mewling sounds getting me hotter, hornier, my hips rocking on the mattress, her moisture dampening my chin.
“Moore. N-n-now.” Her thighs start to tremble. “Now.”
When she says now, it means she wants my cock.
No more waiting.
I’m all too desperate to give Allie what she wants, rising up on my knees and guiding my dick to her slick cunt and bucking inside, my hips smacking off her tight butt. “Ah Jesus, Allie, baby,” I grit out, light bursting in front of my eyes, the need to thrust almost painful. “It’s…I’m deeper like this. Am I hurting you?”
We meet eyes in the mirror again and she seems dazed, dumbstruck. “A little.” She pushes back, maneuvers forward and swallows up my cock again, ripping a curse out of my throat. “I like the way it makes me feel.” Her knees inch wider. “Tempting. Bad.” She arches her back and I almost swallow hard over the reflection of her tits. “Did you ever think of having me like this…and being my bully at the same time?”
My balls tighten up, my breath coming faster. “What do you mean?”
Slowly, she slides her cunt up and down my erection, leaving the trunk of it wet and glistening, her movements, her voice hypnotic. “I mean did you ever think of following me home and really bullying me. Like this. On my hands and knees.”
It dawns on me in a flash. What she’s asking me. Did I ever think of forcing her? Did I ever think of taking what I needed without permission? And the unequivocal truth is that I would never take anything Allie didn’t offer me. Never. I don’t have that kind of violence inside of me, especially when it comes to this girl. This girl of my dreams. But… “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about…making you like it. Wondering if I could make you like having me…inside you.”