Page 20 of Breaking the Bully
“Moore…” She fingers the edge of the pillow. “We talked about me going to college, but not you. Did you apply?”
I’m already shaking my head. “Nah. I could never afford it and what I want to do? I don’t really need a degree for that. Working with my hands.”
“You want to continue being a handyman?” she asks, no surprise or judgment in her tone. Only open curiosity.
“Sort of, just on a larger scale.” Talking to her about the future at all, even if it’s mine we’re talking about—and not ours—feels so good, I can barely get a decent swallow. “Last summer, I got some handyman work with an older couple in Perryville. I noticed they had some rot under their porch. It was dangerous for them to be sitting on it, especially at their age. Normally I wouldn’t try and upsell anybody, but I thought…I could make them a new deck. I wanted to try. So I ran it by them and they offered to pay me. I’ve done three more since then.”
Her exhale leaves a smile behind. “Moore, that’s great. You want to work in construction.”
“Outdoors, yeah. Enclosed decks and porches where someone can watch a storm. Safely.” The back of my neck burns. “Got the idea from you.”
I’m just telling her the truth, I don’t expect her to soften, but she does. She even slides a little closer to me in the bed clothes, tracing a finger down the center of my pecs—and Jesus, my cock stiffens so fast, my vision swims sideways. She knows it, too, because it brushes her belly on the way to full mast.
You can’t have her right now. She’s going to think you’re a pervert, going at her again so soon like a jackrabbit. Still, I’m pretty sure the sweat forming on my upper lip isn’t doing anything to disguise how horny I am. Constantly, apparently.
I clear my throat, take a breath. “Do you know what you want to do, Allie? After college?”
“Oh yes,” she breathes, a smile spreading across her pretty mouth. “I’m going to be a meteorologist. I’m going to study weather patterns.”
Pride hits me unexpectedly, right there in the chin. This girl is a wonder. Comes with passion built in. Strength. Fortitude. I should be dragged out into the pasture and shot for ever trying to dim her light or tear her down. “Damn right you are, Allie. You’re going to be amazing at it, too.”
That causes her breath to catch. “Thank you,” she murmurs. “You’re the first person I’ve told.”
When I manage to speak, my voice rings with emotion. “I’m honored.”
“I’m honored, too.” She slides another inch closer to me, trapping my cock between our bellies. “I’m the first person you’ve told about wanting build porches and decks for a living, aren’t I?”
“Of course you are,” I say, wrapping an arm around her waist and dragging her up against me where we exhale roughly into one another’s mouths, our hips locking together. Sweet Christ, yes. “You’re my first everything.”
Neither one of us makes the move to light the sexual wick that will burn out of control. We hover there, in the place right before the explosion, our hearts hammering together, fingers sliding on skin, hips tilting and pushing subtly. “Moore?”
I scrub my palm up her spine, sliding my fingers into her hair and conforming my hand to her scalp. “Yes, baby.”
We breathe together for long moments, suspended. “Life has been hard for me, but I wanted to say…I know it has been hard for you, too. No parents. No one at home. And…” She kisses my throat, rolling my eyes back in my head, but I struggle to comprehend what she’s telling me. It’s important. My bones are already vibrating with that knowledge. “I’m sure when you’ve been left behind, then someone comes along that you want…you might lash out when they leave, too. I’m just…”
“Allie,” I whisper.
“I forgive you.”
“No,” I growl, even though it’s what I wanted. Needed. It’s too much. It’s more than I deserve, having her body wrapped around mine, her grace infiltrating my soul. “No. Don’t. You can’t. I was awful—”
She stops my denial with a kiss. “It’s my forgiveness to give.” I’m marveling over her, falling deeper and deeper in love than I already am when she reaches between us and guides my cock between her legs, notching me inside her wet, little hole and wiggling down on it. Throwing her outer leg over mine, so all I have to do is roll over and thrust and I’m home, roaring into her hair. In gratitude. In lust. My hips already pumping like full-speed pistons.
* * *
We lose track of time. The outside world is inconsequential.
There is only us and this bed. The shower. The lake. The kitchen table.
An hour can’t seem to pass without whatever we’re doing turning into a full contact sport, Allie’s panties on the floor, my hips jerking between her legs. I thought I was fixated on her before, but this is a new height. Knowing how to give her an orgasm gets me a new level of Allie, the physical level, and every time I satisfy her, I grow a little more attached. More obsessed.