Page 61 of The Dancer
“Who the hell knows? Just don’t go crazy in there. Fire her, that’s it. Keep your hands to yourself.”
I sighed and stepped out of the car with him hot on my heels, lecturing my ass to death. It’s true I would’ve overlooked the fact that she’s female and go upside her damn head for messing with Annabelle. But there was too much involved for me to act rashly.
I didn’t trust her not to have something else up her sleeve and since the law was already involved I was playing a game of wait and see. Her nephew was going to get it no matter what, but as for her, I’ll see if she shows any remorse. I’ll know what to do from there.
It was already starting to get lively at the club as was expected for a Friday evening. The business types had already planted their asses in their usual seats instead of going home to their families.
I didn’t waste any time when I got there, answering the friendly call outs from those who recognized me with a wave and ignoring my staff before any of them got the bright idea to approach me with some trivial shit.
I’d already called in one of the other managers to take Arlene’s place once I made the decision to fire her. The replacement wasn’t supposed to show up for another hour.
I’d worked it out that way because I didn’t want to tip my hand too soon. That would give me just enough time to boot Arlene and get back to the situation I had brewing at home.
I found my prey in the break room chatting with one of the dancers. She looked over at the door opening and her face broke into a smile when she saw me.
“Arlene, may I see you in the office?” I didn’t wait around for an answer but headed back the way I came. I guess Tony was right to worry. Now that I was in the same airspace as her, I did feel like strangling her ass and dumping her out back.
She made as if to go towards my private office, but I kept going in the opposite direction where the managers’ office was. I got rid of the two who were sitting in there working on the computer and offered her a seat.
I couldn’t even bring myself to look at her lest I did something stupid, like wring her fucking neck for real. “What can I do for you Max?” Had her voice always held that sultry seductive quality? Why hadn’t I noticed it before?
Maybe the signs had always been there and I just hadn’t noticed because of my disinterest. If so, this shit was a long time coming. I hate fucking cheaters. I should give her husband a call just to fuck up her shit.
I kept myself calm because I didn’t have enough evidence to have her arrested for her part in what happened to Anna. And Tony was right, there were too many eyes in my place to carry her ass out in a body bag.
I threw the packet I was holding down on the desk in front of her. She opened it with a questioning look. “What’s this?” She asked before pulling out the papers.
“That’s your severance pay. I want you out of my place.” She reacted pretty much the way I expected, with shocked surprise.
“What? What are you talking about? You can’t just fire me without an explanation. I signed a contract…”
“I can and I am. You should’ve read the fine print. I can fire you any time I choose within reason and we both know I have good reason to fire you.”
I stared at her until she looked away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” That shit didn’t even deserve an answer. It’s not like I expected her to come right out and admit it.
“You keep telling that lie. Here’s a warning for you. If you ever go anywhere near Annabelle again I won’t be this easy on you next time. First and only warning.”
I let her see the anger I’d been holding in check since I learned that the asshole was her nephew and put two and two together. She tried arguing her way out, but we both knew she was lying.
“I don’t know what she told you, but I haven’t been anywhere near that girl.”
“I know, you got someone else to do your dirty work for you. What kinda female sets another one up for something like that?”
As I said it I felt sick at the thought that I’d actually put the dancers, women I was responsible for, under this viper’s care. It sucked that I’d trusted her, that I hadn’t seen what she really was until it was almost too late.
“I can sue you for this…” Her bravado didn’t move me one bit.