Page 60 of The Dancer
I insulted her jacket in a bid to change the topic and take her mind off of the situation. I knew insulting her would get her back up and she’d have something else to fume at.
I let her rant and rave at me as we stood in the middle of the room facing off like two prized fighters. She had some good points. Like the fact that this was some unheard of shit.
We’d only just met, didn’t know each other and already I was moving her in with me. Her words! She was acting like I did this shit every day. What she didn’t know and couldn’t seem to understand is that I was just as surprised by my actions as she was.
Why do women always think that they’re the only ones at risk? Like men don’t have feelings as well? Like we don’t have the same fears as they do? What the hell is so wrong with me wanting to take care of her?
Shit, I forgot the bags in the trunk. Even as I thought it the doorbell rang. I went to answer the door and found Tony and the doorman standing there laden down with packages. “Thanks!”
I took the bags in both hands and headed back down the hall to find her standing in the same spot I’d left her in. I walked past her and dropped the bags on the bed, ignoring the scathing look she gave me.
“Do you really want your little brother staying in that place? Why don’t the two of you stay here for the weekend? You can’t still be afraid to be alone with me, not with him here.”
She gave me a look that said she didn’t appreciate being out maneuvered one bit, but I knew I had her when Travis entered the doorway all excited. “Sis have you seen the view from this place?”
He dragged her over to the windows and I left them alone, hoping the kid knew enough to go along with what I had planned. I looked at my watch and cursed under my breath. I had to go to the club. I had someone to fire.
Chapter 19
“She all settled in?” Tony asked as I got into the backseat. I’d said a quick goodbye after passing her brother a look which he caught and understood. Smart kid! She’s going to give him hell.
“Did you really think it would be that easy?” I was already looking forward to dealing with her shit when I got back. I know the only reason I’d been able to get away with what I have so far is because her brother was here.
The two of them seem very protective of each other, which might work in my favor. I have no qualms about using that shit to my advantage. He didn’t want her in that shitty apartment any more than I did, so I’d already won half the battle.
My ace in the hole is that the kid had ran away. If he’s as stubborn as she is, she won’t easily talk him into going back. After everything he’d told me I didn’t want him to either. I don’t think the two of them should be apart.
It was obvious that they were both trying to be
strong for one another. And it was alarming to realize that she really had been little more than a kid when her world imploded.
The difference between us is that I never had the security of a father and a mother together only to lose it. My life was never rosy, but it was obvious that hers had been.
I don’t know how that shit feels, but I’m sure it can’t be anything good. Had to be like being stranded in the middle of the ocean without a life vest.
How the fuck do people do this shit to their kids? I should find their father and kick his ass. Not only for the shit he’d done to her, but because I was damn sure that because of him, she was going to put my ass through hell. Asshole!
I have a pretty good idea what needs to be done, it’s not rocket science. But I need time to get my thoughts together. First I have to get rid of this damn snake, then I can concentrate all my efforts on the two of them.
As far as I’m concerned it’s a simple fix. It’s just getting past that hard head and stiff-necked pride of hers. If that shit doesn’t work I’ll go to door number two. It’s a safe bet her ass wouldn’t like that.
We pulled up to the club and Tony stopped me before I got out of the car. “Can you keep your head straight or do you need me to be there when you give her the ax?”
“What exactly do you think I’m going to do to her?” His ass always expects the worst.