Page 16 of The Dancer
I looked at the scanty bit of information she’d added to the form before putting it away. I wondered how she was going to do in her training. I knew how vigorous it was, how hard I’d made it for anyone to get hired since I wanted only the best.
I was almost tempted to call the manager who would be in charge of her training to warn him to go easy on her, but caught myself just in time.
The last thing I wanted was for others to start questioning my motives, not when I didn’t know the answers myself. I’d already given away too much with my earlier actions as it is.
“We’ll stay another week here. It will be good anyway to drop in when they’re not expecting me. I’ve been too predictable in my movements in the past don’t you think?”
He just gave me a look because we both knew that I had eyes and ears all over my places that kept me more than well informed as to the true goings-on at my clubs.
That’s the reason I haven’t been cheated or betrayed too much. I usually get rid of first time offenders out the gate. They never know how I know the things I do, but word had spread that I had some sort of sixth sense when it came to that shit.
Whatever, it works to keep my management team honest, not to mention the rest of the staff. I expect people to try, it’s only natural for such things to happen in the work place, especially since I tend to hire a lot of down on their luck people.
Most of them are grateful and their loyalty unquestionable. But there are shady fuckers in every social group and the poor and needy are no exception.
“I’m done here for the night, I think I’ll head home.” The place suddenly felt dead. Even though three years had gone by I still get that feeling of excitement in my gut when I walk into one of my places. Now that feeling had dimmed.
Outside my office business was booming.
The music from the upstairs could be faintly heard, but didn’t interfere with whatever sets the girls on the next floor chose for their dance routine.
The restaurant as was to be expected was full, with still more people waiting to be seated. Again I didn’t feel that spark of excitement at the money I was sure to make from the night’s haul.
I tried to shake the feeling, not exactly comfortable with the fact that she could affect me this deeply on such short acquaintance.
I had the bartender call the manager over and gave him the forms she’d filled out. “She’ll be here tomorrow for training.” I didn’t tell him any more than that before heading out the door.
I was unusually quiet on my way home in the backseat of the town car, my eyes not registering the scenery as we passed.
My mind was somewhere else in the city with a young girl who for some reason I thought needed me. Dammit Max, get a grip.
Tony dropped me off at my penthouse apartment on Central Park South, before heading for his own place in Chelsea.
He seemed to sense my mood too, since he didn’t badger, but let me off easy. I knew though from the look he gave me when he let me out of the car that he was thinking about what had happened earlier.
If anyone should, he’d know how out of character that was for me. I didn’t have an explanation for my actions, I just did what I did without thought. But then again who the fuck do I need to explain myself to?
I dropped my coat on a chair back and walked to the liquor cabinet to pour myself a drink. I never partake when I’m working, and hardly ever drink anyway. But tonight I needed it.
There was something going on with me that I couldn’t get a handle on. It was the girl, but what about her? I’ve had prettier, nicer women that’s for damn sure.
But there was something about her that kept pulling at me. If it was just an attraction I would know how to deal. But I couldn’t quite get a bead on what it was that I was feeling and the shit was making me antsy.
Chapter 5
I sat at one of the large bow windows overlooking the park deep in thought as I watched late night lovers going for carriage rides.
The lights of the surrounding buildings cast a glow on the snow that had fallen a few days ago and had yet to melt, and my mind went to the jacket she’d been wearing.
Was it warm enough for this weather? What if she gets sick? She’d said she just moved here. Maybe she’d moved from a place where the weather wasn’t as severe as it was here and didn’t have a suitable coat.