Page 15 of The Dancer
Women usually fell all over themselves to tell me their life story whether I showed an interest or not. With this one it was like pulling teeth.
I’m not new to the wiles of women and know they have a lot of tricks up their sleeves to draw men in. Somehow I didn’t get that feeling from her. I suspect she was just what she appeared to be. Uninterested.
She dug into the chocolate silk pie with relish and I was actually captivated by the sight of her sliding the sweet off the tines of the fork onto her tongue. My dick, which had not fully retreated at this point took notice.
She made it seem so sensual, the simple act of eating, that I found myself watching until her third or fourth bite before shaking myself out of my near trance.
That’s it, that’s what had drawn my eyes to her in the first place. It’s the way she moves. Like every movement was coordinated, like they were all designed to draw the eye of anyone watching.
Even the way she lifted the fork to her lips, the way those lips closed around the tines of the fork to bring the food into her mouth, had other ideas running through my head.
She made a sexy little sound in her throat and her eyes literally shone with delight as she polished off the dessert before sitting back in the chair and rubbing her tummy.
I can’t believe I’m sitting here watching a teenager eat, mesmerized with a growing dick. When she was done I didn’t have an excuse to hold her back this time and reluctantly let her go when she got to her feet again after finishing her coffee.
She flounced out the door, ungrateful wretch, without a backward glance. I was tempted to have her followed, but she was long gone before I could decide if that was a good idea or not.
I watched her on camera until she disappeared out the door and down the sidewalk and out of view. I’m not sure how long I sat there staring into space and wondering just what in the blue fuck had happened in the last few hours.
Now that she wasn’t here I could think again, but nothing made sense and I missed her already. There was an almost physical ache in my chest that I couldn’t explain and I rubbed my hand over my heart in wonder. The damn room felt empty without her in it.
Tony came in not long after she left and found me staring into space. “Bro, what was that?”
“I have no fucking idea.” He grinned and shook his head.
“If I didn’t know better…”
“Don’t say it, don’t even think it.” I knew what he was thinking, but it wasn’t that, it couldn’t be. She was little more than a kid for fuck sake.
Something about her just brought back memories is all. I felt some sort of compassion for her, nothing more. Even as I told myself that I wondered if I was just lying to myself.
I thought it best to change the subject before he got more of a scent. I didn’t know what was going on myself and wasn’t ready to discuss it, not even with my closest friend.
“How’s it going out there?”
“It’s all good. Sorry about earlier. I didn’t catch Arlene before she made it to the door.”
“No problem, I handled it.”
I almost told him to keep an eye on her and Annabelle but thought better of it. No sense in giving him more to think about. If anyone worries about the state of my love life more than my mother it’s him.
He’s wary of the wrong female getting her hooks into me and is always vetting my women whether I want him to or not. I guess it’s okay since I know it comes from a place of love, but they can both be a bit tiring at times with that shit.
“So, what job did you offer her?”
“Waitress. She starts training tomorrow.”
“You know there’s already a buzz started right.”
“Why is that?”
“You let her into the inner sanctum.” I shrugged off his words and finished off my lukewarm coffee.
“Are we still set to fly to Miami tomorrow?”
“No, I think I’ll put that off for a few days. Let the pilot know will you?” I ignored his smirking ass and the annoying voice in my head that asked me what the hell I thought I was doing.
I’ve never skirted my duties since I took over the business and my movements were like clockwork. Once I was finished here in New York it was customary for me to head to South Beach to do the same there.
This was the first time in three years that I was messing with the schedule. I wasn’t deceitful enough to pretend to myself that I didn’t know the reason behind the change. I was worried about her.