Page 22 of My Curvy Belle
She looked up at me and I could tell she’d expected that to go in a completely different direction. If she looked down she’d see how hard my cock was and just how into that shit I am. I pulled her up from the chair and took her outside to the truck. She was still playing shy, not saying shit, but she’d made me very happy.
Whatever else, I knew she wasn’t averse to sex. As far as I’m concerned that was half the battle. Between yesterday and now catching her reading that nasty shit, I felt like we’d crossed most of the lines people set in place for this dating shit.
I had a stupid ass half smile on my face all through lunch and because I didn’t make a big deal out of her reading material, it didn’t take long for her to relax.
If she only knew that I was plotting our first fuck in my head with every bite that might have been a different story. I didn’t have to coerce her into eating what she liked because I ordered for both of us. You should see her when the burger and fries were placed in front of her, like a kid in a candy store.
“I cannot eat like this everyday.” She sat back and rubbed her tummy after our shared rhubarb pie. “Just make sure you do whatever you have to do to keep those curves. Don’t lose an inch or I’ll be pissed as hell.”
I found that the more open I was with her the more relaxed she became. “You like my curves?” She was flirting with me. “Yeah I do, a lot.”
“What do you like about them?”
“That fat ass and those perfect tits.” She looked around at the other diners like I’d said that shit on a loud speaker, but the pretty little blush and the twinkle in her eye said she was down with it.
“I can’t believe you just said that out loud. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as outspoken as you are when it comes to that stuff.”
“I’m too grown to play with my food.” I studied her for a long minute. We were in a public place so she might feel more comfortable here. I wanted to get her used to the real me, and now that I knew she had a kink, I wasn’t about to let her put that shit back in the box.
“What’s the name of that site you were reading?” I took a sip of my drink as if we were having just an average casual conversation. Nothing to see here.
“Why do you wanna know? Oh my goodness I’m so embarrassed.”
“What’s there to be embarrassed about? You like what you like. And to answer your question, I’d like to read it, see what it is that you like.”
“Oh no please don’t.” She covered her face with her hands.
“Hey look at me. Remember I told you yesterday that I’m going to teach you what I like, well that’s one of the things I like.”
“I just never wanted to do it with anyone else before because most of my encounters were short lived and I think something like that should be shared with that one special person.”
“And I’m that person?” She could have no way of knowing that so I didn’t take her to task for asking a stupid question. “Yes!” I let her marinate on that as she played with the ice in her glass. Hopefully that far away look in her eyes meant she was giving it some thought.
If she thought daddy kink was hot, then she was in for a sweet surprise. I take my kink all the way on the heat scale. The first time I tie her little ass up and spank her before a deep hard fuck, she’ll know.
“You know I’ve never…you know…I don’t have that much experience. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea. I’m not really very good at sex.”
“That’s bullshit baby. Whoever told you that shit doesn’t know the first thing about fucking.” I could’ve explained farther but I thought it was better to show her when the time comes. “Are you on birth control?” She nodded her head.
“I’m clean but if you need me to get that taken care of to put your mind at ease I can. In fact I think we should both make an appointment in the next few days.”
“Aren’t you moving a little too fast?”
“Babe, you were reading daddy porn in my office, you’re lucky I didn’t strip you and fuck you right then and there.” I love the way her mouth hangs open like that.
I dropped some bills on the table and stood to leave. “Oh and by the way, make sure you keep your pussy shaved, I like to eat a clean bare pussy.” I’d leaned over so that my lips barely grazed her ear.