Page 21 of My Curvy Belle
“Good morning beautiful!” I slammed out of the truck and went to get her. I love the way she blushes at me.
“Morning Logan.”
“You sleep good?” She nodded her head as I picked her up and lifted her down off the porch. I think she’s the tiniest woman I’ve ever held. Shit made me feel manly and shit.
I took her lips beneath mine and ate off the gloss before putting her back on her feet and leading her to the truck to lift her in. Her ass looked just as fine in these jeans as it did the day before and it was all I could do not to sneak a feel. My dick was all for it, greedy bastard.
I took her hand as soon as I got in the driver’s seat and drove her out to my place. “So what exactly is it that I’m going to be doing here?” I kissed her nose as I lifted her down.
“I’m thinking of letting you take a run at the books. It’s the only part of the job I hate.” As a producer slash director in the movie industry I’m more of a hands on guy.
There was always a bevy of assistants at my beck and call to pick up the slack so I never got used to paperwork. I positively hate the shit. “That sounds fine but I thought you wanted me to work with the animals.”
“You want to muck out stalls and mend fences?” She turned up her cute little nose and I took her hand and led her to my place. Like every other female in creation she eyeballed the place as soon as she walked in. “I’m just staying here until my place is finished. Mom and grandma did all the decorating.”
“It looks nice.” She stood in the doorway like she was afraid to come in before I took her hand again, leading her to the office. The place was a mess with papers all over the desktop. “Whoa, how long did it take you to do this? I thought you’ve only been back for a few weeks?”
“Yep, now you see why I need all the help I can get.” I showed her what I needed done and made a hasty exit. Her scent was getting to me and it didn’t take long for me to start imagining her spread out on the desk with my meat stuffed balls deep inside her pussy.
She stayed on my mind as I went about my day, but I have to admit to feeling a kinda way knowing she was in my house, invading my space, waiting for me to come home.
I didn’t know I was the type to go for that shit, but there you have it. I barely contained myself and kept from running back there every half an hour. But by the time lunchtime rolled around I’d reached my limit.
I stood in the doorway watching her and she didn’t even know I was there. She had a pair of cute half glasses on her face as she looked at the computer screen.
In the few hours I’d been gone she’d already made order out of the chaos I’d left behind. “You’re too cute, you ready for lunch?” She jumped at the sound of my voice and snatched the glasses off her face.
“Don’t do that.” How much did that asshole fuck with this woman’s self esteem? It doesn’t matter. Now it’s my turn to rebuild that shit. She’s still young, we have the next fifty-sixty years to work on that shit.
I walked over behind her because the blush on her cheeks tipped me off to the fact that there was something else going on here. She hurriedly closed out of whatever it was that she’d been reading, but that was an easy fix. I just reached over her shoulder and hit history. The first surprise was that it was a sex site.
Not straight up porno, but some girly site with erotic stories. She’d been reading daddy porn. I had to push her shoulders down to keep her in her seat and swear to fuck she was about to cry.
I had to play this shit right because according to how this went, I could either scar her for life, or open the door to some serious fun. She didn’t know that I was a freak, so she might think this shit was a turn off. She couldn’t be more wrong, this was right up my alley. Can she be any more perfect?
I worked the frog out of my throat before I spoke and with my eyes on the screen addressed her. “You like this stuff?” If her face got any redder I’d have to call the fire brigade.
“Have you ever tried any of this?” She hung her head and shook it no. “Good, this will be something we can share together that you didn’t try with the asshole. Let’s go to lunch.”