Page 59 of Heathens (Badlands 4)
I was thanking them for more than just getting rid of Katya.
I was thanking them for saving my ass from years of abuse and making me second in command, giving me a family and two brothers who always had my back and never tried to change me.
Most importantly, I was thanking them for Blue.
The blue-haired girl had ended up saving me, and didn’t even know it.
Thunder rumbled overhead.
Any second now, the coal black sky would unleash its torrential wrath.
I sat with my hand intertwined with Cobra’s, watching Vitus try to escape the semi-circle acolytes had formed around him.
They were softly chanting under their breath, the iron leviathan cross burning bright in the background.
Cali and Romero stood on one side of us, her head resting on his chest.
Arlen and Grimm were on the other, his hands cradling her tiny bump.
I heard their low keening a second before they were led into the clearing. Max and Toby, each guided by an acolyte.
Vitus saw them and tried to run again, but was shoved back.
A word was whispered and the beasts were unchained.
They launched themselves at him and shredded him into nothing.
With their jaws crunching bone, they ripped apart ligaments and limbs within seconds.
Vitus screamed until his throat was torn out.
Cheers went up around the yard as the hyenas devoured him.
I felt no pity for him.
I knew this held significance.
I met Bryce’s gaze across the yard and gave him a thankful smile, then I looked up at the man beside me. He glanced down and winked.
He was my home now.
My redheaded heathen.
Epilogue Two
All’s fair in love and war.
Isn’t that how the saying goes?
Sometimes you have to use irrelevant people as pawns to set certain things in motion.
People like Tillie, Beth, Katya…fuck, even Noah and Tito came in handy in the long run.