Page 58 of Heathens (Badlands 4)
Our bodies came together but it was our damaged souls that sparked and came alive.
Epilogue One
Centriole was ours.
Frank’s body was strung up right outside the entryway to show who’d won.
Rotting bodies lay in the street.
The acolytes had done another sweep and spared those worth sparing and killed off everyone else.
As for Vitus, he was that evening’s entertainment.
Zane, the kid, had really vanished without a trace.
Romero and Cali had made up, loud enough we all got to bear witness for a whole fuckin week.
Arlen forgave Grimmy the instant he brought her Frank’s hand, the key to Centriole, and her mother’s wedding ring. If that isn’t romantic, what is?
As for me and Blue? We were fuckin perfect.
Every day, we worked on helping one another heal a little more.
I let her in my head and while she couldn’t vanquish my demons, she knew how to soothe them.
I slept for longer than an hour when her arms were around me and her head was on my chest.
When shit got to be too much, I’d go to her and she’d sit in the playroom with me if need be; occasionally even joining in.
I was in love with the fuckin girl and hadn’t been ashamed to tell her that morning when my dick was in her mouth. Then again in the shower.
We were Savaged and tamed.
Hellfire and holy water.
One broken, one lost.
Together, completely fucking whole.
If she hadn’t shown back up when she did, I would have been a lost cause.
I had one motherfucker to thank.
He’d known from the very beginning that she was it for me. He made sure I was the one who brought her home.
As I stood beside him I couldn’t help but feel grateful.
“What really happened to Katya?” I asked, watching the acolytes lead Vitus out back.
“The night she left your room after you turned her down, I had a nice chat with her.
“Grimm finished it off. Last I knew, she and Isaac both met the same end.”
Watching Blue approach me, her fresh ink on her neck instantly made my dick hard. She got the inverted cross to show she was one of us, and for me to know she wasn’t going anywhere.
“Thank you,” I quietly told him and Grimm.