Page 12 of As Luck Would Have It
What had happened last night had opened his eyes up to a lot of things.
Felicity was shy, reserved. She was sensitive and sweet. But underneath all of those layers, she was uninhibited and free. He’d seen that, felt it when they’d been close, as he’d touched her and she’d touched him.
When she’d ridden him and found her release.
And God, that had been the most incredible thing he’d ever witnessed.
He wanted to get to know her better, wanted to know what she loved and what she hated, how she drank her coffee, or if she preferred tea.
Hawk wanted to know if she slept with socks on, or if she preferred to go barefoot.
Damn, he wanted to know every little detail about her. This wasn’t just a fleeting romance for him. It never had been and never was planned that way. He’d fallen for Felicity the moment he saw her, and he didn’t have to even speak to her to become head over heels.
She was everything he wanted and more, and even the fact that she’d felt this animosity toward him, this competition, the truth of the matter was that turned him on even more.
That spark of emotion, that jealousy, made her even more attractive. She had layers and he wanted to peel them all back and learn about every single one.
And tonight he’d do that.
Tonight, he’d learn who Felicity Roberts really was.
“You picked a pizzeria for our date?” Felicity asked, surprised and somewhat charmed by his choice.
Hawk sat in the driver’s seat and released a breath. He was nervous, that was clear and the fact she could see that made her smile. For as long as she’d known him, he’d always struck her as confident, self-assured, and this side of him was completely different from what she actually knew.
“You like pizza, right?”
She stared at the sign and it was hard for her to not smile. “I love pizza,” she said. It wasn’t exactly a hard choice to make.
“I should have asked first.”
“Who doesn’t like pizza? Everyone who is anyone should enjoy it.” She released her seatbelt and climbed out of the car. She was nervous as well. This was all new for her and, well, she liked Hawk. Not just because he blew her mind in the bedroom, but also because he was … amazing.
He did some amazing things with his body, and it made her crave more of him. It should make her time with him easier, only now, she was really struggling to not think of doing more stuff to him.
Hawk held his hand out and she smiled as she took it. There were moments he did things that made her think of him as being incredibly sweet, like this with holding her hand. They walked into the pizzeria, which was full of people.
One of them dressed in a waiter’s uniform came over, slapping Hawk on the back.
“It’s about time you got your ugly ass down here. See what this place is like. Man, it is amazing.”
Hawk burst out laughing.
“Felicity, this is Ethan. He’s a buddy of mine from culinary school.”
“You want to culinary school?” she asked.
Ethan chuckled. “We did, but Hawk here couldn’t handle all the finer things in life. He’s a down to earth, steak and potatoes kind of guy.” He winked at her. “So this is the Felicity?”
“The Felicity?” she asked surprised, looking toward Hawk.
She happened to notice the red of his cheeks, and it was so sweet.
“Ah, okay, so maybe I spoke before I was supposed to. This is my bad. I can’t seem to keep secrets to myself. Moving on, let’s get you to a seat.” He stepped out of their way, pointing in a direction. “I’m sorry, man.”
Hawk didn’t say anything but she felt a thrill knowing he talked about her to one of his friends. That had to be a good thing, right?
They found a booth near the window that seemed to be away from all the activity.
“Order whatever you want.” Ethan left them alone and she picked up the menu.
“So, you talk about me?” she asked.
“I may have mentioned you a couple of times. Not enough for Ethan to say something like that.”
She smiled down at her menu. “Well, what kind of things did you say?” She chanced a look at him, and found him staring intently across the table at her.
“You really want to know?”
“I do.”
“Okay.” He put the menu down. “I talked about how irritated you got with me, and how you always seemed to head in the opposite direction whenever I was near.” This wasn’t the kind of thing she wanted to hear. “I also told him how I thought you were an incredible baker and how I love your eyes when they sparkled. I love your laugh and how when you’re concentrating you bite your lip. You always like to make sure everything is uniform and correct. You’ve always loved baking and your passion is your shop. You also love dogs and feel you can’t have one because you’re working all the time.”