Page 11 of As Luck Would Have It
“A one-night stand? That’s what you thought that was?”
She nodded.
He slowly shook his head and came forward. “No, that’s not what that was for me.” His voice dropped lower, became husky. “Until last night…”
“Until last night?” She repeated his words.
“Yeah. We shared a connection.”
“We did.” She nodded in agreement.
“And I’m not going to let you get away that easily.” He smiled and her heart flipped in her chest. “I think we should go out again.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. Last night was the start of something, something that I don’t want to ignore anymore.”
“You think that’s a good idea?”
“I think it’s a really good fucking idea,” he said lower.
“I have work,” she whispered.
“You can’t work all the time.” Hawk took a step toward her and smiled.
“You make me nervous,” she admitted before she could filter herself.
“It’s okay. I like that I make you nervous. It’s going to be a lot more interesting when you finally relax a little, Felicity. I’m not going anywhere.” He stroked her cheek. “I loved last night and I know soon, you’re going to be back in my bed where you belong.”
Felicity looked up at Rebecca, who sat across from her in the back room, her mouth filled with the sandwich she’d just taken a bite out of. Felicity leaned back in her chair and picked up her bottle of water, opening it and taking a long drink. She thought about what Hawk had said earlier today, how he wasn’t going to give her up, how he wanted to see her again. And the truth was, that’s what she wanted as well.
The fact that he didn’t think what they’d done was a one-night stand thrilled her. The way he looked, his aloof attitude at times, made her feel like maybe he was all about the “wham bam thank you ma’am” kind of thing. But it was clear that wasn’t the case.
He wasn’t like that. It hadn’t been like that for him. Hell, it hadn’t been like that for her either, but she’d been too afraid to actually admit that.
“Are you just gonna leave a girl hanging?” Rebecca reached across the table for her can of pop and took a long drink, staring at Felicity.
She exhaled and set her water back down, looking at Rebecca and knowing she had to tell someone about all of this. “He wants to see me again.”
“Of course he does,” Rebecca said with a shit-eating grin spread across her face. “I knew things would work out. The way you were acting, then when he showed up and was acting all weird concerning you, I knew that there was some serious chemistry going on between the two of you.”
Felicity didn’t know what to say, how to even react right now. Inside, she was giddy, feeling like a teenager about to go on her first date. “How did you figure it out before I did?”
Rebecca shrugged. “I’m just that good.”
Felicity rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile. “I guess in this case you are,” she teased.
“So when are you going to see him again?”
Felicity thought back to right before Hawk had left, how he’d told her he’d pick her up at her house, they’d see a movie, maybe take a drive. He told her he didn’t care what they did as long as they did it together.
Her heart had beat wildly at that admission, at the fact he’d been so open and honest about it all.
“I’m supposed to see him again tonight.”
Rebecca wagged her eyebrows. “Oh, as in going back to his place?”
“As in, we’re going to just spend some time together and get to know one another more.” Although Felicity would be lying if she didn’t admit that the thought of being in Hawk’s bed tonight thrilled her.
She was still sore from last night, pleasurably so, but she did want to get to know the man she’d tried to hate for so long. And her hate wasn’t even justified. It was jealousy, if she were being honest.
He seemed like he had everything going for him, and Felicity had let her envy get the best of her. And she hated that, but she was glad things were working out, that she could really get to know who Hawk was.
She was glad that it was obvious her feelings for him weren’t one-sided.
Maybe tonight she’d really see how he felt.
Maybe tonight he’d tell her that he cared about her just as much as she did about him.
Hawk glanced over at Felicity, who sat in the passenger side seat of his car. He was not normally a nervous person, but when it came to her, she brought that out of him tenfold.
He’d wanted her before they’d even really talked, before he’d known anything about her. And although he didn’t know much about her personal life, what he did know was that he’d fallen for this woman so fast and hard that it made his head spin.