Page 12 of The Billionaire's Wife
“You like it?” She walked over to the windows to get a bird’s eye view of the strip. I tipped the concierge and excused him before going to join her.
“Hungry?” I wanted to forget food and everything else and just throw her on the king sized bed and ravish her, but I needed to get myself under control first. If I touched her now I was afraid I might hurt her.
Now that we were standing here so close, the difference in our sizes was very pronounced. She had such a mouth on her it was easy to overlook her small stature.
“I couldn’t eat a thing and who’re you trying to fool? Like food’s on your mind ya freak.” She looked down at my dick that was pressing hard against my zipper.
I’d discarded my jacket and tie as soon as we got to the room so there was nothing hiding my very obvious need from her eyes. “Nervous are you? Not to worry, I promise you’ll like it.”
She took a deep breath and I pulled her into my arms to offer comfort. “I think I wanna take a bath, can I take a bath first?” I kissed her nose and turned with her hand in mine headed for the bathroom.
“Holy…” She exclaimed when she saw the size of the tub which was roughly the size of the bed. “Come along little girl you won’t drown. You can swim right?”
“Hey, don’t buy into the stereo type, my people can swim, and I don’t mind getting my hair wet since it’s au naturel.” I smacked her ass playfully and turned on the water to fill the tub. She poured half a bottle of bath soap in the water until bubbles frothed up and over the rim of the tub.
I started to strip not thinking anything of it, when I noticed a lull in her playful banter. I looked up and caught her expression in the mirror. She was looking at my naked chest. I could see her chest moving with each ragged breath she took.
I pretended not to notice and kept talking as I undressed. “So, we’re only here for two days, I’ll try to let you out to see the sights, but I’m not making any promises.” That jogged her out of her trance.
“Got a lotta faith in your prowess do you?” There was a slight tremble in her voice but my brave girl didn’t back down. She was still taking peeks at me from beneath her lashes but I noticed she hadn’t started undressing. All that lip and she’s shy.
I walked over to her as casually as I could, naked, with my hard dick leading the way. “Let me help you out of this.” I undid the buttons down her back and slipped the dress off her shoulders.
She was stiff as a board as she stood before me. And once I had her completely naked it was I who was staring. “Damn princess. How the fuck did you keep your virginity this long?”
She was perfect. Her tits where high and round her stomach concave, her hips flared. I got the shock of my life when I turned her around and saw the tattoo in the small of her back. Two things happened at once. My dick got harder and I got pissed.
“Who the fuck gave you a tattoo?”
“I’ve had it for two years why?”
“Did he see you naked?” She looked over her shoulder at me and rolled her eyes. “I don’t think so but I was drunk so who knows.” I could’ve strangled her ass.
“Two years? You’re nineteen so you had to be seventeen. You mother signed for that?”
“I was in Mexico, it was my eighteenth birthday and I’m almost twenty Hitler, damn anything else?”
“I still don’t like that you got undressed in front of some stranger.” She looked at my dick again. “He doesn’t seem to mind. Where’d you get that thing anyway? I thought your people were a little short…in that department.”
“Talk about stereo types. Let’s get in the bath before it gets cold.”
I helped her into the tub and sat behind her so I could wash her.
There was a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket next to the tub and I decided to tease her. “I would offer you some but you’re too young to drink.” She leaned her head back on my shoulder.
“In that case, no booze no spooge. Catch me in another year.” That damn mouth. I nipped her ear and poured her a glass. “You only get one glass. I want you awake and willing when I take you to my bed.”
She wasn’t as relaxed as she was pretending to be and I was doing everything I could think of to take her mind off of what she was feeling. Maybe it was the champagne or the relaxation of the tub, but it was suddenly dawning on me what we’d just done.