Page 11 of The Billionaire's Wife
“Is there someone else who can help us?”
“Why no sir, I’m more than happy to take care of this for you.” She was all smiles now.
“I don’t want you to, get me someone else please.” Before she could comply, a middle-aged gentleman came from an office in the back and approached us.
“What seems to be the problem here?”
“My fiancée and I are getting married soon and I don’t want anything upsetting her. This should be a time of celebration don’t you agree?”
“Well of course sir.”
“Well, your employee here seems to have a problem with my girl and I’d much rather not deal with her if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all sir I’d be happy to take care of this for you.” He gave the idiot a glare that sent her scurrying, before he took our information and turned to the computer to do his thing.
“Damn, what did she do give me the stink eye? You better get used to it, there’s going to be a lot of that in your future white boy.” She smirked and I pinched her side to get her to behave.
“Everything seems to be in order, you’re playing it pretty close but it can be done. How about picking it up tomorrow afternoon?”
“Can’t, we need it like in the next hour or so.” I gave him a look that all businessmen understood; he got it sure enough, and nodded his head. We headed for the door; there was no time to waste.
“We have to call my mom.” She was getting cold feet but I was prepared for that. All I have to do with this one is steam roll right over her and keep her moving until the deed is done. After that she could call the whole Eastern seaboard for all I care.
“No we don’t, we’re both adults, this is a decision we made together for you and me. I’m sure she wants what’s best for you right? Well that’s all you’re gonna have from now on sweetheart.”
I had no plans on telling my mother until after the fact, when the deed was done and there was no turning back. And no way for her to meddle in my life. If her mother took it too hard, I’ll make it up to her. After.
Less than an hour later, I was back, with a discreet little envelope for the gentleman who was handling our special license. We’d spent the time looking for a little white dress for her, because she insisted that she needed at least that. Even though I promised her she could have the wedding of her dreams whenever she wanted.
There was another payoff, and a nice older gentleman married us in one of those chapels off the strip. I didn’t breathe easy until the papers were signed and the rings were on our fingers.
She’d picked out a band that covered half my damn finger. “Just want everyone to see yours since you put half a mountain on mine.”
She was my wife. Until this very moment I don’t think I truly believed that I could pull it off so soon. Looking back on the last couple of weeks it all seemed so unreal. Like a dream or a movie.
I’d just promised to love and protect this woman for the rest of my life. Even more than my first merger, this was without a doubt the most significant thing I’d ever done in my life.
“Hello Mrs. Winthrop.” She was beginning to lose that hunted look from her eyes as we rode in the back of the car. She shook her head and looked down at the ring on her finger. “If this turns out to be one of those frat boy dares your ass is toast Vanilla Ice.”
I lifted her chin with my finger and brought her mouth up to mine to shut her up. She was nervous. I noticed that she babbled and snarked when she was feeling unsure of herself.
Her lips were soft and sweet, and sun warmed. She kissed like a baby bird feeding from its mama, innocent and sweet as hell. I didn’t want to get too hot and heavy, because we had an audience, but as usual as soon as I touched her she went up in flames.
“Are you a virgin princess?” I whispered the question in her ear after another shared kiss. I don’t know why I believed so strongly that she was, she didn’t look like she would be. But somehow her reaction for all its fire had a tinge of innocence to it.
She buried her face in my chest and nodded her head yes and I felt pre-cum gather at the tip of my cock. “I can’t wait to teach you.”
I’d booked us the Mandarin suite at the Mandarin Oriental for two nights. Vegas isn’t one of my usual haunts, but it was the closest place to home for a quickie wedding. Her eyes were like a kid’s at the carnival when she got her first look at the room.