Page 4 of First Time Menage (Forbidden Fantasies 14)
Duh, I say to myself. It’s not like you spend your time looking at strangers in locker rooms either.
With a surge of bravery, I quickly take off my bra and panties and put them in the locker, too. Per the instructions of the receptionist, I put on the fluffy white robe, delighting in its softness against my skin. The queasy feeling in my stomach dissipates, and I smile a little. No one laughed. No one even looked at me. The ground didn’t crack open and swallow me whole. Maybe this won’t be so hard, after all.
I slip my feet into a pair of spa sandals from a basket in the corner, and tie my hair up. As I walk deeper into the locker room, I see a women-only area to the left, full of naked women in a huge pool. I blush a little. I’m not sure if I’m brave enough for that to be my first stop.
Instead, I exit the locker room and emerge in the co-ed section. It’s a Sunday afternoon, so it’s relatively crowded. People of all ages mill around, couples hand-in-hand, with even some small children running around in bathing suits. No, this isn’t what I’m looking for because I need to relax, and the kids are playing and screaming as children often do. I scratch at my earlobe as I look at the map. I think a hot sauna should be my first stop. That’s what Orgo mentioned for having “detoxifying” effects, anyway.
I head deeper into the bathhouse, following the map as well as I can. This place is almost labyrinthine, and the lights are dim and hazy, so I’m glad I don’t have to navigate it without a guide. The hot sauna is in the back corner of the building, and as I make my way there, the crowds thin until I see barely anyone around. The larger baths and pools near the front must be the main attractions.
Finally, I’m there and I peer through the glass door to see clouds of billowing steam. There’s no movement, which probably means there’s nobody inside. Perfect. Sitting by myself in a sauna sounds like my idea of heaven right now.
In the mini locker room off to the side, I hang up my robe and wrap myself in a big white towel. It feels naughty to be nude underneath, but I guess having as much skin bare as possible helps detoxification. Then, I make my way back and pull open the door to the sauna. Clouds of eucalyptus-scented steam pour out. I inhale the invigorating scent, feeling my stress level decrease even more before carefully stepping into the hot room, like I’m stepping into the rainforest. Closing the door firmly behind me, I’m enveloped in mist and silence.
I sit down on a bench and take a deep breath. I still can’t believe my mom bugged me so much today, but the conversation feels further and further away now. Even the stress of school--not having a major picked out, starting a new year and semester tomorrow--feels like a far-away worry. Here, as sweat begins to bead on my forehead, I can simply let myself melt into the delicious heat and solitude.
Confident that I’m alone, I let my towel fall open, exposing my body entirely to the steam. If someone comes in, I can quickly wrap myself back up, but the moisture feels so good that I maybe won’t even want to. I absently wonder what the benefits are for my skin, let alone my tension levels. I will definitely have to come here more often.
I lay my head back against the wall and close my eyes. I feel wonderful, better than I have in months. I imagine the steam swirling through my mind, clearing out all the worries there.
But my newly-relaxed mind apparently has some ideas of its own. Without meaning to, I begin to think again about what Kristy said. I wonder if anyone has ever had sex here before? I wonder what it would feel like with the dim lighting, the heat, the moisture, all the while breathing in this delicious eucalyptus. It’s quite a titillating thought, and I can’t seem to derail this train of thought.
My eyes open just a crack as a special smile creeps over my face. OMG, I couldn’t. But sure enough, I’m still alone and it’s quiet and damp in the small space. Then giggling a bit, I slide my fingers into the warm, wet space between my thighs and lean my head back with ecstasy.
Oooh, this is so bad! Obviously, I’ve never masturbated in public before. Most of the time, it’s a private affair in my dark bedroom with my hands under the sheets, my roomie out like a log fifteen feet away. In fact, I didn’t even start masturbating until I came to NYU. Still, something compels me to touch myself now. The thought that someone could walk in at any moment only makes it more alluring, and I feel my breath and heart rate quicken, and with them, the pace of my fingers circling my clit. I’m definitely not going to stop now.