Page 3 of First Time Menage (Forbidden Fantasies 14)
Determined to do something nice for myself, I change into a t-shirt and yoga pants and throw my damp curls into a messy bun. As I walk out the door, I eye my forgotten salted caramel protein bar, then reluctantly throw it into my purse, just in case. Maybe this one won’t taste so bad.
Yeah, right, I think, and lock the door behind me.
“Hey, Violet!”
My roommate Kristy stops me at the entrance of our dorm and gives me a hug. We could be sisters, with our curvy builds and dark hair, although hers is wavier compared to my uncontrollable corkscrews. We met last year as freshmen and decided to room together this year. She’s my closest friend on campus.
“Hey, Kris,” I say. “What are you up to?”
“Just getting back from a yoga class,” she says. “There was a new instructor today that I really like, but she kicked my ass. You should come with me sometime!”
I wince, and Kristy laughs, probably expecting that response. Kristy is super into yoga but I fail to see the appeal. Slow, painful stretching? No thanks. I’m more of a Zumba kind of girl.
“Okay, okay,” she says. “I get it. I’ll still try and get you to come sometime, though.”
“Good luck with that,” I laugh.
“Where are you headed?”
I pull up my phone and show her the website for Seventh Street Russian and Turkish Baths. Kristy whistles. “That looks fancy,” she says.
“I know! I’m excited. I just want to relax a little though. I had a horrible phone call with my mom a few minutes ago,” I explain.
“Was it about your weight again?”
I roll my eyes.
“As always.”
Kristy makes a face. “Typical.” She looks at my phone again. “Hey, do you know that sometimes people have sex in bath houses?”
My eyes widen. “What?! I’ve never heard that!”
“Oh, for sure,” Kristy says, grinning. “Keep an eye out for people banging in the shadows. It could be like a porn movie.”
“I highly doubt that will happen,” I retort. “This looks like a really nice place. I don’t think their patrons would do that.”
She shrugs. “I’m just saying it might spice up your visit a bit!”
I laugh and shoo her away. “Oh my god, you’re so bad. I’m leaving now. I’ll see you later, okay?”
Kristy waves and walks towards our dorm as I cautiously head outside. I have an umbrella this time, but thankfully, it looks like the rain has stopped. I step into the flow of people heading East and try to keep up. I still don’t walk quite as quickly as a typical New Yorker and have been reprimanded by a stranger more than once.
A few blocks later, I’m at the opulent front door of the bathhouse and realize I’ve passed this building so many times without taking any notice of it. I step inside and am immediately hit by the gentle aroma of lavender, which billows from a diffuser on the front desk. The carpet beneath my feet is plush and the walls are painted a calming blue. I already feel a little better.
“Welcome!” a chipper young woman behind the front desk says. “I’m Diana. Have you been here before?”
I shake my head and show her the coupon on my phone, which she accepts, quickly followed by my credit card. Apparently, the cost of admission includes access to all the baths, steam rooms, and saunas, and your first visit also includes a free appetizer in the restaurant. I’m more cheered than I should admit by the thought of free food. College will do that to you.
“The restaurant is to my left,” the receptionist says, gesturing, “and the entrance to the locker room is to the right. The locker rooms and some of the baths are separated by gender, but the rest of the facilities are mixed.”
Unconsciously, I blush, thinking about Kristy’s remarks earlier about bathhouses. If they’re coed, I guess it makes sense that people could potentially get frisky.
“Here’s a map and a robe,” Diana continues, placing them both in my hands. “And you can always come back here if you have any questions. I hope you have a relaxing time!”
“Thank you,” I say, and head into the locker room.
Everything in here is white and vaguely pearlescent, adding to the luxurious atmosphere. It’s definitely a nicer locker room than any gym or spa that I’ve been to before. However, I still can’t ignore the queasiness that has just appeared in my stomach. There are a few other women in here, undressing casually, and I’m bigger than all of them. What if they look at me weirdly when I take off my clothes? What if they stare?
Get it together, Violet, I instruct myself sternly. If I’m truly trying to love my body, I shouldn’t be fearful of other people looking at it.
Slowly, I open a locker and set my purse inside, followed by my shoes. Then, I peel off my shirt and shorts until I’m wearing just a bra and panties. My eyes dart around furtively. No one is paying any attention.